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Presentation on theme: "Monera."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monera

2 Monera Are all bacteria Archaebacteria (often extremophiles)

3 Archaebacteria Are Ancient bacteria Some are still extant today
Methanobacterium Thermoplasma

4 Eubacteria “true” bacteria
The majority of bacteria we encounter on a daily basis Some (not all) cause disease Many are beneficial

5 characteristics Are very small No specialisation
Have a glycoprotein (murein) cell wall

6 Are found in very diverse environments
Skin has an average of 105 bacteria per square centimetre. Undergo both sexual and asexual reproduction Some can be pathogens

7 cyanobacteria Blue-green algae
Have chlorophyll or chlorophyll-like pigments Undergo photosynthesis

8 shapes

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