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Japan’s proposal on the wording for driving-selectable mode

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1 Japan’s proposal on the wording for driving-selectable mode

2 Proposal for driving-selectable mode
Policy The term "pre-dominant mode" is deleted from the text including definition. Describe the requirement to perform the test in the worst case mode in the text. Proposal Next page Justification Exhaust gas testing should be done in the worst case. It is not necessary to test the exhaust gas in a pre-dominant mode that is not the worst case. Some vehicles, regardless the type of transmission, have selectable modes. Delete a part of the idling stop request

3 Proposal for driving-selectable mode
Current B Definitions 4.54 "Predominant mode", for the purposes of this gtr, means a single mode that is always selected when the vehicle is switched ‘On’, regardless of the operating mode selected when the vehicle was previously shut down. B Test Conditions Vehicles equipped with automatic-shift transmissions shall be tested in the predominant mode. The accelerator control shall be used in such a way as to accurately follow the desired vehicle speed trace of the test cycle. [In addition to testing in predominant mode, based on the information provided by the manufacturer on different operating modes, the test agency will test a vehicle in a selected mode(s) after discussion and mutual agreement between test agency.]. Idle modes shall be run with automatic transmissions in ‘Drive’ and the wheels braked. For the vehicles fitted with idle start stop option, shall be tested with idle start stop in 'OFF' condition, provided such provision is available in the vehicle. After initial engagement, the selector shall not be operated at any time during the test. Idle modes shall be run with automatic transmissions in ‘Drive’ and the wheels braked Idle modes shall be run with semi-automatic transmissions in ‘Drive’ and the wheels braked. For the vehicles fitted with idle start stop option, shall be tested with idle start stop in 'OFF' condition, provided such provision is available in the vehicle. After initial engagement, the selector shall not be operated at any time during the test. Idle modes shall be run with automatic transmissions in ‘Drive’ and the wheels braked Idle modes shall be run with manual transmissions with wheels braked. For the vehicles fitted with idle start stop option, shall be tested with idle start stop in 'OFF' condition, provided such provision is available in the vehicle.

4 Proposal B.1. 4.Definitions
4.54 "Predominant mode", for the purposes of this gtr, means a single mode that is always selected when the vehicle is switched ‘On’, regardless of the operating mode selected when the vehicle was previously shut down. B Test Conditions Vehicles equipped with automatic-shift transmissions shall be tested in the predominant mode. The accelerator control shall be used in such a way as to accurately follow the desired vehicle speed trace of the test cycle. [In addition to testing in predominant mode, based on the information provided by the manufacturer on different operating modes, the test agency will test a vehicle in a selected mode(s) after discussion and mutual agreement between test agency.]. Idle modes shall be run with automatic transmissions in ‘Drive’ and the wheels braked. For the vehicles fitted with idle start stop option, shall be tested with idle start stop in 'OFF' condition, provided such provision is available in the vehicle. After initial engagement, the selector shall not be operated at any time during the test. Idle modes shall be run with automatic transmissions in ‘Drive’ and the wheels braked Idle modes shall be run with semi-automatic transmissions in ‘Drive’ and the wheels braked. For the vehicles fitted with idle start stop option, shall be tested with idle start stop in 'OFF' condition, provided such provision is available in the vehicle. After initial engagement, the selector shall not be operated at any time during the test. Idle modes shall be run with automatic transmissions in ‘Drive’ and the wheels braked Idle modes shall be run with manual transmissions with wheels braked. For the vehicles fitted with idle start stop option, shall be tested with idle start stop in 'OFF' condition, provided such provision is available in the vehicle. B2. 4.Test procedures …If the vehicle has driver-selectable modes, the vehicle shall be tested in the worst case mode for criteria emissions based on responsible authority’s approval.

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