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MAT 105 SPRING 2009 Section 1.1 Numbers.

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Presentation on theme: "MAT 105 SPRING 2009 Section 1.1 Numbers."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAT 105 SPRING 2009 Section 1.1 Numbers

2 Sets of Numbers Natural numbers (also known as __________________)
MAT 105 SPRING 2009 Sets of Numbers Natural numbers (also known as __________________) Whole numbers Integers

3 Sets of Numbers Rational numbers Irrational numbers

4 Sets of Numbers Real numbers Non-real numbers (imaginary numbers)

5 Flow Chart of Sets of Numbers

6 Real Number Line Indicate the location of the following numbers on the real number line.

7 Natural: ______________________________________
Write the numbers from the list that belong to each of the following sets. Natural: ______________________________________ Whole: _______________________________________ Integers: _____________________________________ Rational: _____________________________________ Irrational: _____________________________________ Real: _________________________________________ Imaginary: ____________________________________

8 Absolute Value of a Real Number
The absolute value of a positive # is _______________. The absolute value of a negative # is _______________. The absolute value of zero is ___________.

9 Reciprocal The reciprocal of a number is one divided by the number.
Invert the numerator & denominator. Find the reciprocal of

10 Denominate Numbers Numbers that represent a __________________ and are written with the ________ of _____________________. Examples:

11 Literal Numbers Literal numbers: numbers represented by letters
Variables: may take on different values Constants: held fixed

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