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Section 3 “Americans on the European Front

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1 Section 3 “Americans on the European Front
Ch. 19 “The World War I Era” Section 3 “Americans on the European Front

2 Vocabulary Selective Service Act American Expeditionary Force (AEF)
Convoy Zeppelin Armistice Genocide

3 Preparing for War Selective Service Act AEF Training camps expanded
Convoy system: Successful AEF kept separate from Allied armies “Doughboys” (WWI soldiers) African Americans volunteered 369th Infantry Regiment, awarded France’s highest combat metal

4 Turning the Tide of the War
Vladimir Lenin, Bolsheviks, violently overthrew Russia's government (signed a truce w/ Germany) U.S. General Pershing dispatched troops to the front to turn back the Germans. Allies used the tank Warfare in the Air (primitive plans & zeppelins)

5 Ending the War Revolt began with sailors: Armistice signed Nov. 11th, 1918 (German Republic) Influenza epidemic (deadly virus) 30 million killed worldwide Results of War Millions died from war (soldiers & civilians) More injured (trench foot and effects of poison gas)

6 1. How did the United States prepare to fight in World War I?
2. In what ways did American troops help turn the tide of war? 3. What were conditions like in Europe and in the United States at the end of the War? 4. Why were conveys important to American war efforts? 5. Why did Germany agree to an armistice on November 1918? 6. How did new weapons change the way that soldiers fought during the war?

7 World War I Trench warfare
i/world-war-i-history/videos/life-in-a- trench?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f= 1&free=false didnt-know-trench-warfare#bet-you-didnt- know-trench-warfare

8 Tech developments during World War I
i/world-war-i-history/videos/tech- developments-of-world-war- i?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free=fa lse Battle of the Somme i/world-war-i-history/videos/1916-battle-of- the- somme?m=528e394da93ae&s=unde`fined&f=1 &free=false

9 World War I Packs/Doughboys

10 Review Prepare your Response cards

11 1. Russia signed a truce with Germany in December 1917, when
A) American forces joined the war. B) there was disagreement with the military tactics of Great Britain. C) Russia's republican government was overthrown, giving Vladimir Lenin control D) the German government promised to stop sinking passenger ships without warning.

12 C) Russia's republican government was overthrown, giving Vladimir Lenin control

13 2. When the United States joined World War I, it
A) refused to loan money to the Allies. B) had already instituted a draft to build a large army C) sent a huge army to Europe right away. D) needed to institute a draft to build a large army

14 D) needed to institute a draft to build a large army

15 3. Soon after arriving in Europe, American troops
A) helped break through French lines. B) helped fight back a German advance on Paris. C) were unable to save Paris from capture by the Germans. D) attacked Russia after it had made peace with Germany.

16 B) helped fight back a German advance on Paris.

17 4. The war finally came to an end on November 11, 1918, after
A) the United States agreed to withdraw troops from Germany. B) Germany was awarded land in France. C) the revolt of German sailors in many ships and ports. D) the surrender of British Prime Minister David Lloyd George.

18 C) the revolt of German sailors in many ships and ports.

19 5. The United States 369th Infantry Regiment, made up of African Americans,
A) never fought in combat. B) received France’s highest medal for distinguished service C) carried out special missions for the marines. D) were only allowed to service in the Navy

20 B) received France’s highest medal for distinguished service

21 6. True/False Congress repealed the Selective Service Act in May 1917, a law that required the authorizing a draft of young men for military service.

22 False

23 7. True/False Members of the American Expeditionary Force were called doughboys, although no one is sure why.

24 True

25 8. True/False Using a new weapon, the zeppelin, Americans could cross trenches and roll through barbed wire.

26 False

27 9. True/False In the last months of the war were darkened by an epidemic that killed more people worldwide than all of the wartime battles.

28 True

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