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“Who’s” got the news? Preschool BIG DAY Week 2 August 22nd-25th Snacks

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1 “Who’s” got the news? Preschool BIG DAY Week 2 August 22nd-25th Snacks
Monday: American Cheese slice & wheat saltines Tuesday: Vanilla wafers & Pudding Wednesday: Cheez its & apple chips Thursday: Cinnamon grahams & applesauce Classroom Happenings… BIG Ideas: Making Friends I will make friends at school. Friendship, what friends do together, friends help each other, making friends when we go to new places, sharing with friends, friends are alike and different. At home: Use pictures or photos for oral language, drawing and writing activities ~ even to count how many friends are in each drawing, etc. Letters: Reminders: Don’t forget To /send me a photo of you family for our bulletin board! Also send in $20 cash for the years snack money. Thanks to those who already send cash and photo! Dates to give a HOOT about… PTSA Ice Cream Social Friday, August 26 at 5:30 to 7:00 PM NO SCHOOL Monday, Sept. 5th Any questions or concerns, Please feel free to call or me anytime.

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