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Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Urdd Gobaith Cymru Sir Ddinbych 2020 Denbighshire 2020

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2 Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Urdd Gobaith Cymru Sir Ddinbych 2020 Denbighshire 2020

3 Aled Siôn Cyfarwyddwr yr Eisteddfod Eisteddfod Director

4 Y Mudiad Prif fudiad ieuenctid Cymru Wales’ largest youth organisation Cynnig cyfleoedd a phrofiadau i blant a phobl ifanc We offer opportunities and experiences for children & youth

5 Dros 50,000 o aelodau 8-25 oed Over 50,000 members aged 8-25 900 cangen 900 branches Trosiant blynyddol o dros £8miliwn; £8m annual turnover Dros 200 o staff Over 200 staff

6 25% o blant deg oed yng Nghymru yn aelodau 25% of all ten year old in Wales are members
10% o ddisgyblion yn aelodau 10% of year olds are members Cefnogaeth gan 10,000 o wirfoddolwyr Supported by 10,000 volunteers

7 Gwaith yr Urdd Gwersylloedd Residential Centres
Canghennau Lleol Local Branches Chwaraeon Sports events Gwaith Dyngarol Philanthropic work Cwmni Theatr yr Urdd National Theatre

8 Gŵyl ieuenctid fwyaf Ewrop
Europe's largest youth festival Gŵyl gelfyddydol, ddiwylliannol a chystadleuoL Arts, cultural, competition based festival 90,000 ymwelwyr; dros 6 niwrnod o ŵyl 90,000 visitors; a six day festival Maes 20 acer; 100+ arddangoswyr 20 acre festival site; 100+ exhibitors



11 Gŵyl Gystadleuol – Competition based
45,000 o gystadleuwyr competitors 15,000 yn cyrraedd y Genedlaethol - reach the National 220+ o Eisteddfodau cylch a sir - Eisteddfodau held (local) 28 Eisteddfod mewn un diwrnod Eisteddfodau in one day

12 Ystod eang o gystadlaethau a sioeau – Wide range of competitions and shows



15 Cyngerdd a Sioeau Concert and Shows

16 Y GwyddonLe - Science Pavilion

17 Celf & Chrefft - Arts and Crafts
+ Ffair, llwyfan berfformio, a llawer mwy! + Funfair, live music, & much more!



20 Our visitors Ein Hymwelwyr 60%+ come for the competitions
60% visit for at least 2 days 71% ABC1 social class 53% from the local area Ein Hymwelwyr 60%+ ymwelwyr yn dod oherwydd y cystadlu 60% ar y Maes am o leiaf 2 ddiwrnod 71% dosbarth ABC1 53% yn 2010 o’r ardal leol

21 Economic Impact Effaith Economaidd £6m boost local economy
30% visitors stay overnight 78% spend in local businesses 10-12% visit local tourist attraction Effaith Economaidd £6 miliwn i’r economi leol 30% ymwelwyr aros dros nos 78% gwario mewn busnesau lleol 10-12% ymweld ag atyniad lleol arall

22 Opportunities: Cyfleoedd: Services Gwasanaethau
Constructing the Festival Site - cost £1 million Various contracts in construction, IT, catering, & security etc available Promote businesses Cyfleoedd: Gwasanaethau Adeiladu’r Maes – gwario £1 miliwn Cytundebau amrywiol ar gael e.e. adeiladu, arlwyo, TG, diogelwch Hyrwyddo busnes

23 Local Appeal Fund Gronfa Leol
Establishment of local appeal committees throughout the county – individual target To raise funds and awareness of the Eisteddfod, the Urdd and to promote the language Contribute to the fundraising effort Gronfa Leol Sefydlu Pwyllgorau Apêl mewn cymunedau ardraws y dalgylch – targed unigol Er mwyn codi arian a chodi ymwybyddiaeth o’r Eisteddfod, yr Urdd ac i hyrwyddo’r iaith Cyfrannu at gasglu’r arian

24 Corporate Partneriaid Opportunity to create a partnership
Raise awareness and profile both locally and nationally Sponsor packages from £1k to £25k Partneriaid Cyfleodd i greu partneriaeth Codi ymwybyddiaeth a phroffil yn lleol a chenedlaethol Noddi agweddau o’r ŵyl pecynnau £1k hyd at £25k

25 Pecynnau Nawdd Sponsorhip Packages Rhwng £1k a £25k:
Un gystadleuaeth £1k Prif Seremoni £3k Noson Agoriadol £5k Sioeau Cynradd/Ieuenctid £5k Strwythur/Ardaloedd £2k-£10k e.e. Stiwdio Rhagbrawf £2k; Celf Dylunio a Thechnoleg £10k Diwrnod cyfan £20k Sponsorhip Packages Between £1k and £25k: A competition £1k Main Ceremony £3k Opening Concert £5k Primary & Youth Show £5k Structure/specific Area £2k-£10k e.e. Prelim Studio £2k; Arts and Craft Pavilion £10k A whole day £20k


27 Your Benefits Buddiannau Noddwyr Logos on TV interview backdrop
Banners on the Maes Recognition of support from main stage Invitation to receptions and concerts Product placement Packages tailored to meet your needs. Buddiannau Noddwyr Logos ar gefnlen cyfweliadau teledu Baneri ar hyd y Maes Sylw o’r llwyfan Gwahoddiadau i dderbyniadau a digwyddiadau Cyfle i osod cynnyrch Gellir teilwra pecynnau i’ch anghenion





32 Teledu Byw – un o ddarllediadau allanol mwyaf ym Mhrydain (80+ awr).
Live television – one of the largest outdoor broadcast in British Isles (80+ hours).

33 Arddangos Exhibit 100+ o arddangoswyr
Cyfle i fod yn rhan o’r amrywiaeth a’r bwrlwm sydd ar y Maes Cyfle i gyrraedd y farchnad leol a chenedlaethol Exhibit 100+ exhibitors each year Be a part of the variety and bustle of the Maes Target your local and national markets


35 Cefnogaeth Support Gwasanaethau Cefnogaeth ariannol Services
Cefnogaeth ymarferol – stiwardio, rhyddhau staff Sicrhau eich bod yn elwa ar y digwyddiad Support Services Financial Support Practical Support – stewarding, staff volunteering Ensure that you profit from the event

36 Diolch – Thank you


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