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From XML to objects and events in a CRM compatible database

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1 From XML to objects and events in a CRM compatible database
The Museum Project University of Oslo, Norway Jon Holmen, Ellen Jordal, Stein Olsen, Christian-Emil Ore 29/08/2019

2 m Museum objects Man made object or biological object Common events
Implies actors, places and time-spans 29/08/2019

3 The ”core” of our model:
Man made objects/ Biological objects Actors Affect or/ Refer to Participate in Events at within Places Time-spans 29/08/2019

4 m Example: A long chinese pipe of bone. Donated 12th May 1853 by Kildal-Lund. Object(man made): A pipe Object attributes material: bone shape: long Relation: was produced Event: Production Place: China Event: Donated Time-span: 12th May 1853 Relation: by Actor: Kildal-Lund. 29/08/2019

5 Similarities to CIDOC CRM
Man made objects/ Biological objects Actors E39 Actors E28 Conceptual Objects E18 Physical Stuff affect or / refer to Affect or/ Refer to participate in Participate in location Events E2 Temporal Entities at within at within E53 Places E52 Time-Spans Places Time-spans 29/08/2019

6 From our model mapped to CRM.
Object(man made): A pipe Object attributes material: bone shape: long Relation: was produced Event: Production Place: China Event: Donated Time-span: 12th May 1853 Relation: by Actor: Kildal-Lund. E22 A pipe E22 Man Made object E39 Actors E21 Kildal-Lund participate in by affect or / refer to Was produced location E12 Production event E12 Production event E8 Donation E2 Temporal entity in within E53 Places E53 China E52 Time-Spans E52 12th May 1853 29/08/2019

7 Ethnographical aquistion catalogue
m Ethnographical aquistion catalogue About inventory numbers. Created during 150 years. SGML/XML-tagged in 29/08/2019

8 Instance of catalogue entry(a):
m Instance of catalogue entry(a): 8. Malayan dagger, taken from pirates of the Indian Oceans. Beautiful handle, graven as a human figure above waistline. Snake winded blade. VII, IX, p, 2. Daa,O., 99. Donated April from Captain Teiste. 29/08/2019

9 Tagged catalogue entry(a):
m Tagged catalogue entry(a): <NRPAR> <CATNR NRID="EM8"> 8</CATNR> . <ARTIFDAT>Malayan <ARTIFACT>dagger</ARTIFACT> , taken from pirates of the Indian Oceans. Beautiful handle, graven as a human figure above waistline. Snake winded blade. VII, IX, p, 2. Daa,O., 99. Donated April from Captain Teiste. </ARTIFDAT> </NRPAR> . 29/08/2019

10 Tagged catalogue entry(a):
m Tagged catalogue entry(a): <NRPAR> <CATNR NRID="EM8"> 8</CATNR> . <ARTIFDATA> <PROD><USE><PEOPLE><PLACE> Malayan </PLACE></PEOPLE></USE></PROD> <ARTIFACT> dagger</ARTIFACT> , taken from pirates of the Indian Oceans. Beautiful handle, graven as a human figure above waistline. Snake winded blade. VII, IX, p, 2. Daa,O., 99. Donated April from Captain Teiste. </ARTIFDATA> </NRPAR> . 29/08/2019

11 Tagged catalogue entry(a):
m Tagged catalogue entry(a): <NRPAR> <CATNR NRID="EM8"> 8</CATNR> . <ARTIFDATA><PROD><USE><PEOPLE><PLACE> Malayan </PLACE></PEOPLE></USE></PROD> <ARTIFACT> dagger </ARTIFACT> , <AQUISITION> taken from <AQUFROM> pirates </AQUFROM> of the Indian Oceans. </AQUISITION> Beautiful handle, graven as a human figure above waistline. Snake winded blade. VII, IX, p, 2. Daa,O., 99. <AQUISITION> Donated <AQUTIME> April </AQUTIME> from <AQUFROM> Captain Teiste </AQUFROM> . </AQUISITION> </ARTIFDATA> </NRPAR> . 29/08/2019

12 Instance of catalogue entry(b):
m Instance of catalogue entry(b): 43895. ”Djampa". Blue Manga sleeveless shirt. used daily by most Manga peasants in the bush. Shoulder width 57 cm., length 103 cm. People Manga, Place Main-Soroa. 29/08/2019

13 Tagged catalogue entry(b):
m Tagged catalogue entry(b): <NRPAR> <CATNR NRID="EM43895"> </CATNR> . <ARTIFDATA> ” <ARTIFACT> <ETERM> Djampa </ETERM> </ARTIFACT> ". <TECHNIQUE> Blue <PROD><USE><PEOPLE> Manga </PEOPLE></USE></PROD> sleeveless <ARTIFACT> shirt </ARTIFACT></TECHNIQUE> . <APPAREA> used daily by most Manga- <USE><SAGE> peasants </SAGE></USE> in the <USE><PLACE plref= > bush </PLACE></USE></APPAREA> . <MEASURE> Shoulder width 57 cm., length 103 cm. </MEASURE> People <PEOPLE> Manga </PEOPLE> , Place <PLACE plid= > <UNINTERP> Mainé-Soroa </UNINTERP> </PLACE> . </ARTIFDATA> </NRPAR> 29/08/2019

14 Conclusions Made an event-based model and a mechanism to instanciate objects/events in it. Makes hidden events more explisitt. Detect areas of potential improvements in ”good practice” among the scholars. Creates skeleton for storytelling 29/08/2019

15 Instance of catalogue entry(c):
m Instance of catalogue entry(c): Bow with two Arrows. Shafts are feathertrimmed and have ironpoints. Used by Aïnos. (24.) Sachalin. ? IV, 30. According to Michiaki Okada from Hokkaido who visited Ethnographic Museum April , this is not typical Ainu. Could possibly be Japanese, but then the arrows are too short. K. Aa. 29/08/2019

16 Tagged catalogue entry(c):
m Tagged catalogue entry(c): <NRPAR><CATNR NRID="EM12359"> </CATNR> . <ARTEFDATA><ARTEFACT> Bow </ARTEFACT><TECHNIQUE> with two <ARTEFACT> arrows </ARTEFACT> . Shafts are <MAT> feather </MAT> trimmed and have <MAT> iron </MAT> points </TECHNIQUE> . Used by Aïnos. ( <BIBREF> 24 </BIBREF> .) <DUBIOUSLY><PLACE> Sachalin </PLACE> . <ADDED> ? </ADDED> <REM><NOTE> IV, 30 . </NOTE> <ADDED><HIST Type='OBS' ID='147'> According to <PERS> Michiaki Okada from Hokkaido </PERS> who visited Ethnographic Museum <DATO> April </DATO> , this is <TECHNIQUE> not typical <DUBIOUSLY><PROD><USE><PEOPLE> Ainu </PEOPLE></USE></PROD> . Could possibly be <DUBIOUSLY><PROD><USE><PEOPLE><PLACE> Japanese </PLACE></PEOPLE></USE></PROD> , but then the arrows are too short </TECHNIQUE> . <PERS> K. Aa. </PERS></HIST></ADDED></REM></ARTEFDATA> </NRPAR> 29/08/2019

17 Tagged catalogue entry(c), improved(?):
<NRPAR><CATNR NRID="EM12359"> </CATNR> . <CLASS CID=1907.1><ARTEFDATA ><ARTEFACT AID= EM > Bow </ARTEFACT>with <NUMOBJ AREF= EM > two <ARTEFACT AID= EM > arrows </ARTEFACT> . <TECHNIQUE AREF= EM > Shafts are <MAT> feather </MAT> trimmed and have <MAT> iron </MAT> points </TECHNIQUE> . <USE NREF= EM12359 USEID=1> Used by <ACT UREF=1><PEOPLE> Aïnos </PEOPLE></ACT> </USE> . ( <BIBREF> 24 </BIBREF> .) <OBSERV OBID=1> <PLACE> Sachalin </PLACE> </OBSERV> . <ADDED CLREF=1985.1> ? </ADDED> <NOTE> IV, 30 . </NOTE></CLASS> <ADDED CLREF=1985.1><CLASS CID=1985.1>According to <ACT CLREF=1985.1><PERS > Michiaki Okada from Hokkaido </PERS></ACT> who visited <PLACE CLREF=1985.1> Ethnographic Museum</PLACE> <DATO CLREF=1985.1> April </DATO> , this is <TECHNIQUE NREF = EM12359><MANPARS><PROD><USE><PEOPLE> not typical Ainu. Could possibly be Japanese </PEOPLE></USE></PROD> , but then the arrows are too short </TECHNIQUE> . <ACT CLREF=1985.1><PERS> K. Aa. </PERS></HIST></ADDED></REM></ARTEFDATA> </NRPAR> 29/08/2019

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