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SOGI Education School District 43

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1 SOGI Education School District 43
Board Procedural Orientation SOGI Education School District 43 #sogi123

2 #sogi123
Learning intentions Review what SOGI means? Overview of SOGI in BC schools and SD 43’s Administrative Procedure-Why SOGI and Curriculum-What and How SOGI Successes and Key Messages Rachel #sogi123

3 What is SOGI? SOGI is an acronym for Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity. Unlike the acronym LGBTQ+, SOGI is not a list of specific identities. It is an inclusive term relevant to all individuals. It includes identities such as heterosexual, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit, cisgender, and more. Find out more at on SD 43 Website under Parent Resources Rob

4 #sogi123
SOGI Education in BC Schools Education Minister Mike Bernier announced September 8, 2016 that explicit references to sexual orientation and gender identity are being added to the policies that school districts and independent schools are required to have in place by December 2016. The changes will bring district school policies in line with the July 2016 amendments to the B.C. Human Rights Code that included gender identity and expression as prohibited grounds of discrimination. Rob #sogi123

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SOGI in Coquitlam Administrative Procedure The Board recognizes that students who are facing gender and sexual diversity issues (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender, and Questioning) face a unique set of challenges within our schools and communities. Individuals who are dealing with, or those perceived to be dealing with, issues of gender identity, gender expression, inter-sexuality or sexual orientation, as well as their families, are frequently the targets of homophobic, trans-phobic and/or heterosexist behaviours. This may have profound social consequences including discrimination, harassment, physical and sexual violence, social and emotional isolation, substance abuse, homelessness, school truancy and drop-out, self-harm and suicide. Rob #sogi123

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Procedure Objectives Support inclusion of all students in all aspects of school life, irrespective of their real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity and expression. Develop a systemic response through staff and professional development which strives to identify and address educational practices and procedures that perpetuate homophobia, transphobia and heteronormativity. Act collectively to strengthen inclusive practices for all students and reduce homophobia, transphobia and other systemic barriers that are faced by LGBTQ+ students. Rob #sogi123

7 #sogi123
BC SOGI Educator's Network 2016/17 Pilot Project of 9 Districts Burnaby, Vancouver, Langley, Sea to Sky, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Nanaimo/Ladysmith, Kelowna, & Delta 2017/18 – Funded by the Ministry of Education & ARC Foundation (SOGI123) School District #43 joins Comprised of 56 of the 60 BC School Districts Work collaboratively towards SOGI goals both at the district & provincial levels Rachel #sogi123

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Why is SOGI Important? All students need to feel safe, included, and empowered so they can learn. Inclusive student environments lead to better student outcomes. A message of inclusivity can be sent visually (e.g., posters, stickers, symbols) as well as through our everyday language and actions. Rachel What is the role of SOGI school leads? #sogi123

9 There is NO separate and distinct SOGI program or curriculum.
Sexual orientation and gender identity are important topics that are INTERWOVEN through several curriculum areas, most notably, physical and health education, language arts, and social studies. How the topics are introduced to students is dependent on the age and stage of their development. These topics may also be discussed as they arise in the daily lives of students. Rachel There is no separate and distinct SOGI program or curriculum. Sexual orientation and gender identity are important topics that are interwoven through several curriculum areas, most notably, physical and health education, language arts, and social studies. How the topics are introduced to students is dependent on the age and stage of their development. These topics may also be discussed as they arise in the daily lives of students.

10 What does the curriculum look like?
K/1 Big ideas: Learning about ourselves and others helps us develop a positive attitude and caring behaviours, which helps us build healthy relationships. Caring behaviours in groups and families. Ways in which individuals and families differ and are the same. Sample topics: Similarities and differences could include physical characteristics (e.g., hair, skin colour, eyes), cultural characteristics (e.g., language, family origins, food and dress), and other characteristics (e.g., preferred activities, favourite books and movies, pets, neighbourhood). Different types of families (nuclear, extended, step-families, adoptive and biological, same-sex, single-parent, etc.). Comparison of families in the past and present (e.g., families in your grandparents’ time compared with present-day families)

11 What does the curriculum look like?
2/3 Big ideas: Having good communication skills and managing our emotions enables us to develop and maintain healthy relationships. Our physical, emotional, and mental health are interconnected. Develop and demonstrate respectful behaviour when participating in activities with others. Identify caring behaviours among classmates and within families. Understand diverse cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives within the local and other communities. Identify personal skills, interests, and preferences and describe how they influence self-identity. self-esteem, self-efficacy, cultural heritage, body image, interests, media, peers Aspects of life shared by and common to peoples and cultures. Sample topics: Family work, education, systems of ethics and spirituality Rachel There is no separate and distinct SOGI program or curriculum. Sexual orientation and gender identity are important topics that are interwoven through several curriculum areas, most notably, physical and health education, language arts, and social studies. How the topics are introduced to students is dependent on the age and stage of their development. These topics may also be discussed as they arise in the daily lives of students.

12 How does SOGI look in Elementary Classrooms?
Kindergarten / Grade 1 – Language Arts Prompted by the stories “Pink” and “Victor’s Pink Pyjamas,” Students engage in conversations about what colours are typically considered “boy” colours and which are considered “girl” colours. Students explore how pink is made by combining red and white. The overall learning objectives are: colours belong to everyone wear what makes you comfortable and happy the most important thing is to be kind to others Rachel and Riley

13 How does SOGI look in Elementary Classrooms?
Grade 4/5 – Social Studies / Language Arts Timeline of Perspectives on Inequalities in Canadian History. Students investigate historical events where groups of people were discriminated against or mistreated. Examples of historical events include The Indian Act, Fur Trade, Building of the CPR Railway, Japanese Internment, Anti-Asian Riots, Residential Schools, and the treatment of members of the LGBTQ community. Rachel and Riley

14 How does SOGI look in Middle Classrooms?
Grade 6/7 – Applied Design, Skills and Technology Designing Signage for Universal Washrooms Students examine and evaluate logos / signs. They develop an understanding of the definition and purpose of Universal Washrooms. They form design teams, and develop design concepts. They present their logos / signs, receive feedback on their designs. They apply the feedback, revising their concepts and resubmit their final designs. Riley and Rachel

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How does SOGI look in Secondary Classrooms? English Language Arts 9-12 Critical Inquiry Unit on Exploring Identity through Fiction Recognize and identify the role of personal, social, and cultural contexts, values, and perspectives in texts. Students should be prompted to recognize the influence of family, friends, activities, education, religion, gender, age, place, settlement patterns, immigration, economic factors, and political events (local and beyond); to recognize that authors write form a perspective influenced by such factors; and to consider the relationship between text and context. Rachel and Riley #sogi123

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How does SOGI look in Secondary Classrooms? Physical and Health Education 9 Analyze strategies for responding to discrimination, stereotyping, and bullying Propose strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships Create strategies for promoting the health and well-being of the school and community Analyze strategies for prompting mental well-being, for self and others Rachel and Riley #sogi123

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How does SOGI look in Secondary Classrooms? Social Studies 9 Key Question: How might specific examples of past incidents of inequality (e.g., Head Tax on Chinese immigrants, internment of Japanese-Canadians, residential schools, suffrage, discriminatory federal government labour practices related to gender and sexual orientation) be handled today under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms? Social Justice 12 Describe social injustice based on characteristics including: age, marital or family status, mental or physical ability, political belief, race and ethnicity, religion and faith, sex, sexual orientation, and/or socioeconomic status #sogi123

18 #sogi123
SOGI Successes in School District #43 Diversifying Library Collections / Developing lists of resources Bulk book orders, Increased Diversity in all school Libraries Building Knowledge within Professionals Specific learning for Administrators, Counsellors, Teachers, School Board Trustees District SOGI Events SOGI School Leads, Youth Forum Rachel #sogi123

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Key Messages All Students need to feel ACCEPTED, RESPECTED, AND WELCOME There is not room for Discrimination in our schools This is about Student Safety: Kids can’t learn if they do no feel safe All #sogi123

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