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Power: The Lower Canada Rebellions

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1 Power: The Lower Canada Rebellions

2 Causes of the Rebellions
1. Life is not good: A) Agricultural crisis (Huge crop failure in 1833) B) Frustration of Canadien middle class because they were excluded from the Executive and Legislative Councils C) Restricted access to land: Seigneuries are overcrowded = lower quality of living

3 Causes of the Rebellions
2. New Laws: A) Law to make French one of the official languages (rejected) B) Tax on wine and tea C) Tax landowners (to finance construction)(accepted) D) A bill to grant a salary for the Legislative Assembly (rejected)

4 Causes of the Rebellions
3. Liberalism A) What is it? The idea that people should be able to express themselves freely. B) Characteristics: individual freedom, freedom of expression, participation in politics C) THE PATRIOTES AND LOUIS JOSEPH PAPINEAU are examples of LIBERALISM

5 Causes of the Rebellions
4. Louis Joseph Papineau A) Member of Legislative Assembly B) Defender of French Canadian interests C) Leader of the Partie Canadien (later the Parti Patriote) D) Demanded a more democratic political system E) Objected to favoritism/corruption of the governor

6 Causes of the Rebellions
5. The 92 Resolutions (1834) A) Was a list of demands sent by the Parti Patriote to the British government B) What they wanted: - responsible government -The members of the Legislative council to be elected

7 Causes of the Rebellions
6. The Russell Resolutions or The 10 Resolutions (1837) A) This was Britain’s response (written by Lord Russell) to the 92 Resolutions B) They basically reject the Patriotes demands C) What is frustrating about this?

8 The Rebellions Papineau does not want to resort to violence.
Members of the Patriotes hold public protests. They speak out in public (Liberalism).

9 Etienne Parent “While we do want reform, we have never intended to achieve it through brute force, but only through peaceful, legal and constitutional means”

10 The Rebellions Eventually they realize that this is not working, and resort to a violent rebellion.

11 The Battle of St-Denis

12 Attack on St-Denis

13 The Battle of St- Charles

14 Battle of St-Eustache

15 Rebels on Yonge Street Prepare to attack Toronto

16 The Rebellions 4. The Patriotes win the first battle. But lose the other 2. 5. The British “win” the Lower Canada rebellions. 6. Papineau flees to the United States, and stays there until

17 The Durham Report 1. After the Rebellions, the British appointed Lord Durham as Governor General of Lower Canada. 2. His job was to investigate the causes of the Rebellions.

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