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Towards an NMC Ring: Dispersion suppressor & long straight section

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1 Towards an NMC Ring: Dispersion suppressor & long straight section
PS2 meeting Towards an NMC Ring: Dispersion suppressor & long straight section Y. Papaphilippou October 24th, 2007

2 PS2 Meeting, Y. Papaphilippou
Outline The short NMC module Dispersion suppressor Arc Straight section Summary 24/10/07 PS2 Meeting, Y. Papaphilippou

3 PS2 Meeting, Y. Papaphilippou
The “short” NMC module 1 asymmetric FODO cell with bends and a low-beta doublet Phase advances of 272o,260o per module γt of 10i Five families of quads, with max. strength of 0.1m-2 Max. beta of around 60m in both planes Min. dispersion of -2.3m and maximum of 4.6m Chromaticities of -1.1,-1.7 Total length of 71.72m Slightly shorter (~1.1m) than last time to accommodate dispersion suppressor 24/10/07 PS2 Meeting, Y. Papaphilippou

4 Dispersion suppressor cell
Similar half module as for the NMC with 2+5 dipoles (instead of 2+4) Using 4 families of quads to suppress dispersion, while keeping beta functions “small” Maximum beta of 70m Total length of 77.31m

5 PS2 Meeting, Y. Papaphilippou
5 NMC modules + 2 dispersion suppressor cells Phase advances of (10.4π,10.2π) – not matched γt of 11.6i 9 families of quads, with max. strength of 0.1m-2 Max. beta of around 73m in horizontal and 64m on the vertical plane Dispersion of -2.3m and maximum of 4.6m Chromaticities of -7.5, Total length of m Slightly longer than FODO arc (2.6m) The NMC arc 24/10/07 PS2 Meeting, Y. Papaphilippou

6 PS2 Meeting, Y. Papaphilippou
5 NMC modules + 2 dispersion suppressor cells Phase advances of (10.4π,10.2π) – not matched γt of 11.6i 9 families of quads, with max. strength of 0.1m-2 Max. beta of around 73m in horizontal and 64m on the vertical plane Dispersion of -2.3m and maximum of 4.6m Chromaticities of -7.5, Total length of m Slightly longer than FODO arc (2.6m) The straight section 24/10/07 PS2 Meeting, Y. Papaphilippou

7 PS2 Meeting, Y. Papaphilippou
Summary Short NMC cell with dispersion suppressor leaving almost the same space as the FODO cell Low imaginary transition energy “Reasonable” optics functions In progress Dispersion suppressor refinement Matching to the straight section Module length optimisation Minimise quadrupole families number Systematic phase advance scanning Working point matching Chromaticity correction Dynamic aperture evaluation done done done Less important 24/10/07 PS2 Meeting, Y. Papaphilippou

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