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Growth and photosynthesis kinetics of the T

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1 Growth and photosynthesis kinetics of the T
Growth and photosynthesis kinetics of the T. elongatus axenic (blue) and binary (red) cultures held under variable irradiance-controlled turbidostat steady states. Growth and photosynthesis kinetics of the T. elongatus axenic (blue) and binary (red) cultures held under variable irradiance-controlled turbidostat steady states. (A) Specific growth rates on a Cmol basis. (B) Specific rate of net O2 production (net photosynthesis). (C) Growth rate plotted against net photosynthesis. The slope of these curves represents the photosynthetic quotients or yields of carbon uptake into biomass per net photosynthetic output. Each data point represents the average of measurements taken every minute over a minimum of three reactor residence times held under each respective steady state. Error bars represent ±1 standard deviation. *, significant differences with >99% certainty as determined by t test of unequal sample sizes, assuming equal variance; CDW, cell dry weight. Hans C. Bernstein et al. mSystems 2017; doi: /mSystems

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