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Presentation on theme: "PRESENTATION ON PRADHAN MANTRI ROJGAR YOJNA BY jasneet singh bhatia"— Presentation transcript:

Under the guidance of SIR RAVIKANT HATVAR

2 Objective Strategy To promote/ propagate
innovative and proven housing technologies, designs and material in the rural areas Strategy The project should contain innovative elements The project should possess potential and replicability after the pilot stage is over Preference to areas which are: Remote Inaccessible Disaster affected Extremely backward in social and economic infrastructure

3 National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005
Aim: Enhance livelihood of Rural HH.Guranteed wage employment in unskilled manual work Salient features: Historic Act: Guaranteed 100 days employment Right to demand work: It is demand driven, not supply driven Unemployment Allowances: Compensation by the state Govt Selection of work by villagers: villagers themselves , not officers decide Priority to women: Complete Transparency: Villagers to be paid in full public view Ban on Contractors: Not permitted under the scheme Pivotal role of Panchayat: In planning and Implementation of the scheme

4 National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005
Work site facilities for laborers Areas of scheme implementation 200 districts selected by central Govt., benefiting 1.7 Cr HH Scheme will be extended to all districts of the country within Five years Difference b/w NREG and earlier wage prgs Provides legal guarantee/No legal Guarantee Transparency/No accountability Demand driven/ supply driven 100 days work is guaranteed/ depended on allocation of funds

5 Sampooran Grameen Rozgar Yojana, 2001(SGRY)
Objective To provide additional wage employment in rural areas Food security Creation of durable commodity, social and economic infrastructure Spl emphasis to provide employment to women, SC, ST Strategy Being implemented in two streams First stream implemented at District and intermediate level of Panchayat 50% of funds are earmarked for first stream Second Stream implemented at village Panchayat level. 50% funds are earmarked for this stream.

6 Sampooran Grameen Rozgar Yojana, 2001(SGRY)
Salient Features SGRY is a centrally sponsored scheme Under the scheme, foodgrain will be provided every year at economical costs Remaining funds to be utilized to meet cost component of wages and material costs Cost of cash component to be shared by centre and state in the ratio 75:25 100 Cr mandays of employment are envisaged to be generated every year in rural areas Every worker seeking employment under the scheme will be provided 5 kg of foodgrains per manday as part of wages Balance of wages to be paid in cash Monitoring and evaluation Overall supervision by Zilla Parishad Regularly monitored by Deptt of Rural development Visits by officers of central and state Govt and by area officers of the ministry of Rural Development


8 Indira Awaas Yojana,1999 Objective Funding Strategy
To help in construction of new dewelling units as well as conversion of unserviceable Kutcha houses into Pacca/Semi Pucca Provide houses to SC/ST HH, HH headed by widow, unmarried women and SC/ST below poverty line Funding Centrally sponsored scheme Funded on cost sharing basis in the ratio of 75:25 Strategy Grant of 25,000 per unit provided in plain areas and Rs 27,500 in hilly/difficult areas for house construction. For conversion of Kuccha into pacca/semi pacca, Rs 12,500 Sanitary provision and smokeless chulha are an integral part of the house How to seek assistance Contact village panchayat or village level worker or BDO or District Rural Development Agency Waiting list is prepared by panchayat and final approval for allotment lies with Gram Sabha

9 Swaranjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana(SGSY),1999
Objective To bring the assisted poor families APL by organising them into SHGs To train them in capacity building Provide income generation assets through a mix of bank credit and govt subsidy To establish a large number of micro-enterprises in rural areas Emphasis is on group approach and developing activity clusters Funding CSS Shared in the ratio of 75:25 Strategy Credit-cum-subsidy programme Organisation of poor into SHGs Training, credit, technology, infrastructure and marketing Social mobilization- helps the poor to be self reliant and realize their own strength and advantage of the group 50% of the group formed in each block should be exclusively for women

10 Swaranjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana(SGSY),1999
About 10 activities will be identified for each block with the approval of the panchayat samitis The gram sabha will authenticate the list of families BPL identified in the BPL census


12 Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana
Objective To improve road connectivity About 40% of villages are still not connected with roads It seeks to connect every village/habitation which has a population of more than 500 persons 100% CSS Order of Priority Priority is given to unconnected habitations, then to the up-gradation of roads in already connected habitations S. No Population Size Category 1 1000 or more Unconnected to roads of desired specification 2 3 Gravel to desired specification 4 5 desired specification 6

13 Border Area Development Programme
Objective To meet spl development needs of ppl in remote/inaccessible areas near the international border To assess the needs of ppl and critical gaps in physical and social infrastructure Funding 100% Centrally funded area program Funds will be provided to the sates as Special Assistance for execution of approved schemes To be allocated on the basis of Length of international boarder Population of border blocks Area of border blocks (each of these criteria will be given equal weightage)

14 Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme,1993
For provision of certain basic facilities including community infrastructure in the areas Objective To enable MPs to recommend works of developmental nature with emphasis on the creation of durable community assets based on locally felt needs Funding Scheme is fully funded by the Government of India The annual MPLADS fund entitlement per MP constituency is Rs 2 Crore

15 National Social Assistance Programme,1995
It comprises three separate schemes National old age pension scheme National family benefit scheme National maternity benefit scheme It is a centrally sponsored To extend 100% central assistance to the sates and UTs to provide the benefits under the norms laid down by the central government Objective To provide financial assistance to old ppl having little or no means of subsistence To HHs living BPL incase of death of the primary bread earner in the family (primary bread earner is defined as the one whose earnings contribute substantially to the total HH income) To expecting mothers of HHs below poverty line upto first two live births

16 National Social Assistance Programme,1995
Salient features (National Old Age pension Scheme) Age of the applicant (M/F) must be 65 years or above Applicant must be a destitute No personal source of income No assistance from other family members The amount of pension is Rs 75 per month per beneficiary. State govt may add to this amount on its own Upper ceiling on the number of beneficiaries for a state/UT is prescribed by the Central Government

17 Samagra Awaas Yojana It is a comprehensive housing scheme to ensure integrated provision of: Shelter Sanitation Drinking water Special emphasis is on: Technology transfer Human resource development with people’s participation Habitat improvement Salient features A number of rural housing schemes are being implemented in the country Indira Awaas Yojana Credit-cum-Subsidy Scheme Innovative Stream for Rural Housing and Habitat Development Scheme for setting up of rural Building centres Loans-based Rural Housing Schemes of HUDCO Golden Jubliee Rural Housing Scheme

18 Samagra Awaas Yojana As a first step it is proposed to strengthen these schemes For encouraging cost effective and environment friendly building materials, technology designs etc Rural building centers and Innovative projects are proposed to be taken up under the existing scheme To improve the availability of housing finance, Credit-cum- Subsidy scheme of the ministry of Rural development , Golden Jubilee Rural housing scheme, Rural housing schemes of HUDCO and State Rural Housing Schemes will be implemented Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission has already selected districts for accelerated provision of water supply and sanitation facilities with people’s participation

19 Samagra Awaas Yojana Under Indira Awaas Yojana, a provision for sanitary toilets and common facilities exists For environment improvement it is proposed to tap the existing resources of Departments of forest and Horticulture of the Sate Governments for afforestation and popularization of kitchen gardens

20 Credit-cum-Subsidy Scheme for Rural Housing
The scheme for rural housing has been conceived for rural HHs having an annual income upto Rs 32,000 Objective To enable/facilitate construction of houses for all rural HHs who have some repayment capacity Target Group Rural HHs having an annual income of Rs 32,000 only Preference will be given to rural HHs who are Below Poverty Line Salient features Subsidy upto Rs per eligible HH in plain areas and Rs 11,00 in hilly/difficult areas Loan upto Rs 20,000 per HH Sanitary facilities and smokeless chulahs are an integral part

21 Thankyou sir

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