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The Fall of Rome and The Rise of the Byzantine

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1 The Fall of Rome and The Rise of the Byzantine

2 What do you Know? Students take five minutes and write down everything that you remember form 6th grade about the Roman Empire. Such As: People Places Lifestyle Historical events

3 How did Rome fall? Size Economy Leaders Outside Invaders
1 million square miles Economy Tax Inflation Barter Leaders Weak Could not maintain control Outside Invaders Germanic Tribes

4 Who tried to save the Empire?
Diocletian (284) Enacted an Absolute Monarch. Divided empire into 2 parts Eastern Part- Diocletian Western Part- Appointed Ruler Forced a rigid order All sons had to follow in their fathers footsteps Peasants where tied to the land they farmed Increased the Army, defense was the most important to the Empire. New Tax System raised the money for the Government. Define Absolute Monarchy and Rigid

5 Who tried to save the Empire?
Constantine (312) Continued Diocletian's strict state controlled society. Supported Christianity and made it the Empire’s National Religion. Moved the capital from Rome to Constantinople. Fought of the Huns from invading the Roman Empire.

6 The Fall and Legacy of Rome
Cause Effect Rulers after 200 BCE Very weak. Economic Hardships (Taxes could not be paid and government suffer.) Social Unrest and insecurity In the West- Central Authority disappeared and creation of smaller Kingdoms on the boarders. In the East- Maintenances of the Roman Empire from Constantinople.

7 Byzantine Empire Existed from 435-1453 Capital Constantinople.
Located on the Bosporus Strait Became a world trade center. Connected Asia and Europe. Protected from invaders by the sea and high cliffs.


9 Justinian Ruled 527-565 Dreamed of restoring the old Roman Empire.
Completed major Reforms of the legal system (Justinian Code)

10 Theodora Wife of Justinian
Played a major role in gaining legal systems for women’s rights Women could now own land, widows kept husbands land.

11 Nika Revolt The Greens (Lower Class) and The Blues (Upper Class) revolted against Justinian. Justinian wanted to run Theodora forced him to stand and fight. Justinian Won and put down all following revolts.

12 Byzantine Culture Center of Byzantine Life was: Christianity and Emperor. Emperor was priest and king Greek official language Art was created by Mosaics

13 Ultimate Conflict with the Church
700’s the use of Icons was called into question. 726: Pope Leo III made Icons forbidden in the Roman Catholic Church 1054 Official Split of Churches Orthodox Christian- Greek Language, Icons, and Emperor was in Charge. Roman Catholic Church- Latin Language, No Icons, and Pope Controlled.

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