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2019 Fall Parent Meeting State Champions – 2018, 2003, 1992, & 1988 State Runner Up – 2012, 1991 & 1987 Section Champions-2017, 2016,2015, 2014 2013,2012,

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Presentation on theme: "2019 Fall Parent Meeting State Champions – 2018, 2003, 1992, & 1988 State Runner Up – 2012, 1991 & 1987 Section Champions-2017, 2016,2015, 2014 2013,2012,"— Presentation transcript:

1 2019 Fall Parent Meeting State Champions – 2018, 2003, 1992, & 1988 State Runner Up – 2012, 1991 & 1987 Section Champions-2017, 2016,2015, ,2012, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2003, 1994, 1992, 1991, 1990, 1988, 1987, & 1984

2 Follow your team on sportsngin
Information Follow your team on sportsngin @LNHSPantherFB

3 Get Registered NOW! You do not register from our website. You must register on FeePay through This is the registration for high school football. You also must have an updated physical. Check yours on campus to be sure it is good for the entire season!

4 Fall Camp Practice Download your sportsngin schedule for updates: Day 1: Helmets Only (Get locks and lockers) Day 2: 1 hour with shoulder pads Day 3: Only AM practice Day 4: Shells or full pads the rest of the way The players will be told DAILY if there are changes! Have shoes and summer apparel for lifting

5 Fall Camp Practice August 12th – 17th
8/12 11:30am - IMPACT Testing for 9th and 11th and any new 10th or 12th grader 8/14 - 9th Grade Orientation is on Aug. 14th in the afternoon All practices will be done by 12pm - You must attend orientation! 8/15 – Varsity practices 7:30am – 9:15am and 11:15 – 12:45pm 8/16 Friday – Pictures after practice at 12pm Pizza Ranch for 10-12th grade Cost $5 Have shoes and summer apparel for lifting Wear your LN shorts every day!

6 Fall Camp Practice August 19th – 23rd
9/21 - “Play with the Panthers” 5pm - 8:30pm 9/22 – Varsity Practices from 10am – 12pm 9th Grade Scrimmage at Stillwater on Friday 8/23 Bus will leave at 2:00pm 10-12th Scrimmage at Maple Grove Sat. 8/24 Bus will leave at 7:15am Fall Social following the Saturday Scrimmage at Bowlero!

7 In Season Schedule Practice M-Th until 5pm – Fridays vary by level Varsity: Games Friday nights 7pm JV: Games Saturday Mornings at 10am 10A: Games Thursdays at 4pm or 4:30pm 10B: Cancelled 9A: Games Thursdays at 4-4:30pm 9B: Mondays at 4-4:30pm Visit

8 Lakeville North Youth Football
11th and 12th graders are expected to be visible at the youth level. Every player will attend at least one 3rd/4th, 5th/6th, 7th/8th, grade practice and game separate from the drill clinics we will do.

9 Football Booster Club LAKEVILLE NORTH FOOTBALL BOOSTER CLUB 501(c) 3 non profit Our purpose is to support the teaching of football and leadership to youth in the Lakeville North community. Board of Directors President Steve Rhodus Director Anthony McWell Vice President Tracy Gohlke Director Jamie Walsh Treasurer Matt Sullivan Director Brian Vossen Secretary Jennifer Forar Social Media Luke Sleeper

10 Blitz Night has Changed!
Every player was given 12 discount cards and asked to sell them. Arrive at 4:30pm this Thursday with $240. Sell the additional 400 as a group to earn the new uniforms! Black for Varsity and JV, Grey for the 9th and 10th Grade.

11 Football Booster Club Socials
Pre-Season Kick Off $10 August 24th from 4-6pm Collecting Donations by Grade for Wheel Barrow 4 post game socials for this season: Sept. 6th (Eagan) – Charthouse Sept. 20th (Burnsville) – Charthouse Oct. 4th (South) – Green Mill Oct. 11th (WBL) - Alibi

12 Panther Mom Squad Join the Mom Squad – 200 members current Mom’s Night – This Thursday July 24th Pre-Game Warm-up: Alibi Game Time: 6:45 – 8:00pm Panther Stadium Post Game Wrap-up: 8:00 - Alibi

13 Final Apparel Window! Closes on August 8th Mens/Womens/Youth/Accessories

14 Touchdown Club TD Club - $100 last chance Includes: Hat $20
Highlight DVD $40 OR Booster Jacket 3 clings $ Name in Program Discount card $20 Name in program

15 Volunteers Needed Freshmen: Concessions – lead parent (5-6 per) 5:30 – 9:30pm Sophomores: Pre-Game Sales and Programs (5-6 per) 5:30 – 8:00pm Halftime Post Away Game Beverage Hand Out (3 per) Immediately following away game DIBs has been added on the website to begin signing up! Juniors: End of Season Banquet – clean-up Seniors: Posters, Pre-Game Meals, Shutterfly Book, Post Game Information, Banquet Set-up

16 September 20th vs. Burnsville
Tackle Cancer September 20th vs. Burnsville 1. Bracelet Contest 2. T-shirts Need Volunteers before first 2 home games. $10 each Shirt 3. Half-time donation – pass the helmet (Jr. and Sr. parents volunteer to collect money from players) 4. 50/50 Raffle at the Game

17 Program Goals We will find a way to win at everything we do. Never Quit. Love Others.

18 Football Goals Practice at a Different Pace Play at a Different Pace Maximize the potential of the athletes Put the athletes in a position to succeed Compete everyday, every rep, every workout, every play, every game We play the best 11 on every play

19 Coaching Philosophy Mental mistakes can be corrected with communication Mistakes due to effort require a little more fire We are honest with the athletes…good and bad Expectations are high and we will drive all to meet those expectations We want to win at everything we do

20 Character Building What it means to be a Panther on and off the field Conduct in: The classroom, the community, the hallways, social media, etc. FOLLOW YOUR SON ON TWITTER!

21 Concussions Showing signs or symptoms will be removed from play Please allow our trainer along with medical professionals to make this diagnosis Athletes and parents must understand the severity of this word and be prepared to follow the guidelines Baseline testing for all athletes Tuesday during 2 a days

22 Chain of Command 1st - Players with concerns should address them with THEIR position coach 2nd - Parents may request a meeting in person with the position coach and their child 3rd - If needed a meeting with the head coach and all parties Concerns regarding playing time will not be addressed through or over the phone Communication is often times the key to success on the field. We cannot achieve that if we don’t practice it off the field.

23 Player Expectations August 12th is football season. Practice is not Optional. 1 unexcused is a half, 2 is a full game, and 3 is removal Any absence from practice is communicated prior to practice. Excused absences may still lead to loss of playing time. Athletes late to practice without pre-approval will be reminded after practice. Captains are responsible for cleaning the locker room after practice and games. Equipment left out will be a reminder. “Reminder” – cardiovascular training designed to inspire athletes to follow the rules of the team

24 Parent Expectation Support your sons win or lose
Help them find ways to improve their game rather then reasons the team lost Keep the stands a positive place for everyone Help your son be an effective communicator with their coach Hug them when it’s over and remind them they are Panthers for life.

25 When your time is done and you have played your last snap as a Panther I hope it breaks your heart, but you are a better man for having been a part of this program.

26 Thank You Sponsors

27 Thank You Sponsors

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