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MaDDash and other Research DMZ tools

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Presentation on theme: "MaDDash and other Research DMZ tools"— Presentation transcript:

1 MaDDash and other Research DMZ tools
Pete Siemsen, NCAR and FRGP Westnet Meeting, June 25, 2019

2 MaDDash Visual way to display lots of network performance data
Simple green/yellow/red grid of connection health Easy top-level way to see how a network is doing Grid layout can suggest relationships between problems Allows drill-down into problems Deployed with perfSONAR


4 MaDDash example

5 MaDDASH demo To demonstrate drill-down, must look at a real MaDDash, not a screenshot

6 Creating a MaDDash grid
Install perfSONARs Define the central data node Develop a test plan Define tests Define grid properties Let it run Fix the problems

7 Problems Configuration is complex
Default “All-to-all” grid is confusing, though often used Too many cooks spoil the MaDDash Evolution of MaDDash means obsolete documentation exists

8 Take a class Google for “FIONA Workshop”
See the training slide deck at 2019/blob/master/maddash--ma/PRP-FIONA-Workshop-LaJolla-MaDDash- jhess-final.pdf

9 Other tools perfSONAR Flow analyzers GridFTP metadata capture
One-way ping Traceroute visualizer Data collection and graphing Global network of test points Flow analyzers GridFTP metadata capture

10 Questions?

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