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Case 5 History After admittance 53y, male, warfarin anticoagulation

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Presentation on theme: "Case 5 History After admittance 53y, male, warfarin anticoagulation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Case 5 History After admittance 53y, male, warfarin anticoagulation
witnessed collapse at home, Asystoly suspect for pulmonary embolism or massive bleeding After admittance automatic CPR with LUCAS CPR interrupted for scans WB-CT 59 min after call delay: chest 50s, abd. 120s

2 Case 5 Key image findings Case summary
massive intracerebral bleeding with upper herniation of the brain alveolar edema or aspiration in lower lobes of the lungs note excellent image quality except the region of the LUCAS pressure unit resulting in restricted image quality of lower thorax/ upper abdomen. Case summary after neurological consultation termination of efforts 76 min after call Wirth S, Körner M, Treitl M, Linsenmaier U, Leidel BA, Jaschkowitz T, Reiser MF, Kanz KG. Computed tomography during cardiopulmonary resuscitation using automated chest compression devices--an initial study. Eur Radiol Aug;19(8):

3 Case 6 History After admittance 71y/o, male
unwitnessed collapse at underground garage asystoly, Apnea, GCS = 3 suspect for MI, pulmonary embolism or massive bleeding After admittance automatic CPR with LUCAS CPR interrupted for scans WB-CT 50 min after call delay: chest/abdomen/pelvis 100s

4 Case 6 Key image findings Case summary no intracerebral bleeding
alveolar edema or aspiration in lower lobes of the lungs note excellent image quality with the LUCAS pressing unit being lifted off massive dilatation of the heart no relevant pathology in the abdomen/ pelvic scan Case summary no spontaneous circulation cause of death remained unclear termination of efforts 125 min after call

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