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State of the Institute Report Presented at the Annual Conference by

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1 State of the Institute Report Presented at the 2019 Annual Conference by
This report will explore how IISE is progressing on various key initiatives and activities. There are a lot of new things going on at IISE. Jamie Rogers, PhD, PE President Don Greene, PE CEO

2 IISE worked in 2018 and 2019 to develop its new Strategic Plan.
You see the Plan captured on this page. It encompasses a new Mission and Vision. It is founded on four Pillars of Success. Within each Pillar, we have Goals and Metrics. Each Pillar also has 4 or 5 objectives and a total of about 40 Action Items. Implementation of the Plan will depend on IISE’s many volunteer groups, such as the operating boards, societies, divisions, chapters, conference committees and others, as well as the IISE Board and staff. A key characteristic of this Plan is that it will be a “Living Document,” reviewed regularly and modified as needed by the Board and others.

3 Member Value Portfolio
Professional Networking Mentoring Leadership Development Opportunities Job Search Assistance Skills Certification Knowledge Transfer, Education, Training Publishing and Speaking Opportunities Why should someone join IISE? It’s all about providing value to the member. On this slide, you see broad categories of our value proposition. The single most important item in our array of value is the opportunity to build a professional network. IISE is a great way to develop leadership skills, as you find safe and low-risk opportunities to be visible in the profession and to lead. There are so many ways to learn at IISE, from continuing education, award winning publications, conferences, meetings and lots more. When you need to develop new skills and want to make yourself more marketable, IISE is there for you.

4 Membership IISE Connect Leadership, Publishing, Speaking Opportunities
Societies & Divisions Members-Only Webinars Career Center Chapter Membership ISE Magazine & Other Publications Advocacy for the Profession Discounted Conferences and Training There are certain basic elements of membership. There is a new way to network: IISE Connect ( It’s a great way to build a virtual community. Members can also choose to belong to any or all of the 16 technical groups, focusing on everything from logistics and supply chain to healthcare or engineering management. Everyone receives an award-winning ISE monthly magazine. All members receive significant discounts on conferences and training courses. IISE offers opportunities to engage in the profession in many ways, such as volunteering, publishing in the journals or magazines, and speaking at any of the conferences. More than 75 members-only webinars are held each year to bring continuous learning to the membership. At the heart of IISE membership for many people is membership in a professional or student chapter. The society advocates for and represents industrial and systems engineers everywhere.

5 New Membership Initiatives
Corporate Partnerships Graduating Students Transition Time to Professional Membership Extended Automated Renewal Dues Indexed to World Bank Applied Ergonomics Society IISE is working with its corporate partners to better define desirable member benefits, focusing on hiring and training. We have doubled the time ISE graduates have to transition from student to full professional membership. In the past, we offered discounted dues for one year following graduation. We’ve extending that to two years. We created the opportunity for members to renew automatically, thereby eliminating the need to make this decision on an annual basis. IISE is working to make membership more affordable, globally by indexing dues according to World Bank classifications of economies. There are 4 stratified dues levels, with graduated discounts. IISE has created a new society for the first time in 30 years. The Applied Ergonomics Society was created at the recent Applied Ergonomics Conference. The new society provides year-round networking and educational services to this important community.

6 IISE Connect Grow a Network of Peers Join Focused Communities
Enhanced Communications Improved Sharing Capabilities Real-time Discussions Enhanced Knowledge Hubs Higher Logic Platform Connect is a member-only platform that allows you to connect on one platform with over 13,000 colleagues who share your common interests. Think of it as an advanced and enhanced IISE-only LinkedIn. You have enhanced communications enabling you to receive messages that are more structured and easier to read, and delivered in the format and frequency you prefer. As a member you are able to: Join communities with people who have professional interests in common with you Receive communication within your specific IE/SE designation Find other ISEs in your state, region or a specific company that you may be interested in Participate in discussions in real time Ask or answer questions with your peers Get expert advice from others who share your experiences Utilize the library as a resource tool Publish your personal blog Create an event or view all upcoming events in your area Connect is your LinkedIn resource for all the needs of an ISE.

7 Student to Professional Conversion
Value Proposition Support & Assistance for Students Transitioning to Professionals Active Young Professionals Group Leadership Development Virtual Career Fair Extended Transition IISE has good penetration into the student market, particularly undergrads. We are working to improve our rate of conversion from student to professional member. We provide services targeted specifically to new graduates who are moving into the first stages of their professional careers. We support graduates with tools and knowledge they need to succeed, as well as helping them create that network that is essential to their career growth. We provide a new graduation packet that congratulates them on this achievement and provides a lot of information about transitioning to a professional, including focusing on the benefits of membership. We connect the grads with the Young Professionals, a group within IISE. They are very active in helping students transition after graduation. For the past two years we’ve offered a virtual career fair. We had good participation among students as well as companies. It helped students find jobs. We’ve made a change to our dues rates, offering graduating students a longer time period before they have to pay full professional dues. The “step-up” now extends from one year to two years.

8 Develop International Markets
Expand International Training Utilize Agreements in China, Brazil and elsewhere to Deliver Services to ISEs Around the World Continue to Co-Sponsor Established Conferences Leverage Corporate Partners to Provide Additional Opportunities Newly Formed IOB to Expand IISE Globally IISE is also expanding its global presence. IISE has recently sponsored training courses in Mexico, Costa Rica, Hungary, Germany, Nigeria, China, Saudi Arabia and other locations. Our expanding list of corporate partners also includes several international locations. We partner with associations in Asia, Brazil and Spain, to co-sponsor international conferences in Asia, Europe and South America. We will continue to seek opportunities with established groups around the world. We signed a memorandum of cooperation last year with an ISE association in China. We are working with them to identify ways to provide training courses, co-sponsor events and offer ways for members to join both groups. International student & senior chapters provide opportunities to expand our training offerings, much like the student chapters in the U.S. have done. We are also working through our volunteers and ABET to identify associations in other countries that might offer opportunities for collaboration.

9 Corporate Partnerships
Over 70 Corporate Partners, including: Blue Cross Blue Shield Gulfstream Aerospace Raytheon Boeing Hallmark Rockwell Automation Boston Scientific Intel Spirit AeroSystems Clemson University Lockheed-Martin Target CNA Insurance Mayo Clinic Universal Orlando Deere MD Anderson UPS Disney Mississippi State University USPS FedEx Virginia Tech Northside Hospital Georgia Tech West Monroe Partners The Ohio State University Grant Thornton IISE has corporate alliances with more than 70 different companies and universities. You see some of the major companies and universities represented on this slide. These alliances take many forms, but most include discounted membership; and many also include conference registrations, training courses, hiring support, or other services. As few as five members can qualify your organization for corporate membership.

10 Professional Networking
Conferences, Events & Meetings Societies & Divisions Chapters IISE Connect Social Media LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube Membership Directory The benefit that members invariably rank highest is networking. IISE provides many opportunities for face-to-face as well as virtual networking. Whether through conferences, groups or virtually, we enable you to maintain connections that will help you solve problems, identify opportunities and build relationships. IISE Connect is the newest way for IISE members to network. We have seen significant growth in our other social networking communities. The Member Directory allows you to search for members by many criteria, including location, company, society or division.

11 Leadership Development
Many of IISE’s members find that the leadership skills they are able to obtain from volunteering in our association serve them well in their careers. IISE offers many different ways to serve and lead, from conference committees, chapters, societies, divisions, vice-presidents, board, and others. This has proven to be an inexpensive and low-risk way to develop skills that help people progress in their careers. Conferences, Meetings and Events Progressive Levels of Leadership Chapters, Societies, Divisions On-the-Job Training Inexpensive and Low-Risk Way to Develop New Skills Mentoring

12 Education & Training Conferences Training Courses Webinars
Annual in New Orleans 2020, Montreal 2021, Seattle 2022 Public Courses Corporate Training Online On-Demand – UL Partnership AEC, Health Systems, Lean Six Sigma Certificate Programs RAMS, Winter Simulation Partnership with Student Chapters International Events IISE’s various conferences include Annual, Applied Ergonomics, Health Systems, Lean and many different one-day events. These are great ways to gain important training and skills while networking with hundreds or thousands of your peers. Its training programs and certificate programs are also available in several different formats. You can attend the public courses, take the courses on a schedule that meets your needs online, or have IISE come to your location to tailor and teach the courses to your peers in your company. In addition, we partner with more than 60 student chapters to offer training courses, such as our Lean and Six Sigma Green Belt courses, to students to make them more attractive potential employees. And finally, IISE offers over 100 webinars annually, many of which are limited to our members, as ways of sharing information.

13 New Online Training Partnership with UL - Pure Safety
Wide Selection of Courses Modular Cost-Effective and Convenient It is critical that professionals maintain their level and currency of their technical and managerial knowledge. IISE offers a wide range of training options. One of the most cost-effective and convenient methods is the online training that the Institute offers. The courses are available in a wide range of industrial and systems engineering topics, as well as management-related areas. IISE has also recently partnered with UL-Pure Safety to make its extremely broad and deep array of short, modular courses available to IISE members. This new platform further expands the cost-effective training that you can take advantage of on your own schedule to stay informed in your profession and your industry.

14 Publications Magazines (2) Journals (4) ISE Magazine IISE Transactions
Industrial Management Journals (4) IISE Transactions Engineering Economist IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics & Human Factors IISE has a broad range of publications, magazines as well as technical research-oriented journals. We offer our regular monthly flagship publication, ISE Magazine. In addition, members of SEMS and other subscribers receive the acclaimed business-focused magazine, Industrial Management, published six times per year. We have four research-focused technical journals, published 4-6 times per year: IISE Transactions is our longest-running and broadest journal. In addition, we publish three more focused journals: The Engineering Economist (co-published with ASEE). The Journal of Enterprise Transformation. The Journal of Occupational Ergonomics & Human Factors. These publications offer publishing opportunities for professionals in the research community. And all of our publications are available in print or online, including fully archived issues. Available in Print and Online

15 Job Search Assistance Formal Support Informal Support Career Center
Networking Connections Internships Conference Participation Mentoring Social Media Virtual Career Fair Leadership Roles An important member benefit is in the area of Job Search. Whether you’re graduating from college, have been out-placed by your employer, or are just looking for a new opportunity, IISE can help. We offer a career center, providing resources to help members find employment opportunities and helping companies find the engineers they need. We have a program that connects young professionals with more experienced members for career mentoring. Perhaps of even greater value is the informal support that comes from being a member of IISE. At IISE, the networking connections you’ve made in various ways provide you with that ready-made network if and when you need it for the purpose of finding a job, or for finding that next great engineer you need to hire.

16 Profession Advocacy IISE Promotes the Profession ABET Membership
NCEES Support Discover-E Engineers Week Future City New Faces of Engineering Public Policy Symposium Many More IISE’s Mission is to promote the profession of industrial and systems engineering. The association does this in a variety of ways. IISE is one of the 36 member societies of ABET and provides significant financial, volunteer, staff and training support in our partnership. The Institute works closely with NCEES and other engineering associations to ensure that professional registration is managed and properly promoted. IISE works with ASEE and many other associations to sponsor Discover-E (previously known as National Engineers Week). IISE is a sponsor of the Future City competition. IISE works with the National Academy of Engineering, the American Association of Engineering Societies, and 40+other engineering associations to sponsor and participate in the Public Policy Symposium and the Convocation of Engineering Societies in Washington, D.C., where key engineering issues are addressed as a group, and with Congress. IISE sponsors many other activities, including the recognition of women and minorities n engineering, international activities, and many other items.

17 Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Statement and Core Commitments Increase diversity knowledge, awareness and interpersonal competence Increase representation and engagement of diverse individuals, institutions and organizations Sustain a standing DE&I Committee Ensure equity in treatment and access Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Statements & Core Commitments approved by BOT March 2019. IISE Vision: to be “a widely-recognized, inclusive organization that advances, promotes, and unites the industrial and systems engineering profession worldwide.” IISE values the diversity of participants in the profession worldwide. We uphold these values through active engagement with diversity and active commitments to inclusion for all, regardless of origins, circumstances, or socio-historical contexts. We ensure inclusion within our leadership, our members, and the stakeholders we serve. We are committed to increasing diversity, knowledge, and awareness of IISE professionals. We are committed to advancing fairness and equity in the outcomes of our work and the systems with which we engage. We are committed to increasing representation and active engagement of diverse individuals, institutions, and organizations in IISE. Ensure equity in treatment and access among members to information, organizational participation, resources, and other opportunities. IISE views membership as a privilege and expects its members to uphold the values and priorities associated with diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

18 IISE Priorities: Pillars of Success
INTEGRATE the Profession Worldwide INCLUDE All for Diversity, Equity and Cultural Prosperity STRENGTHEN the Image, Advocacy and Impact of ISE Professionals EXCEL in Customer Experience for Members, Partners and Affiliates IISE continues in its mission to focus on serving the profession of industrial and systems engineering. The profession is rapidly growing, worldwide and with a solid value proposition, so can IISE. Our focus as an association is to meet the needs of this emerging global community. In meeting these needs, we will concentrate on the strategic areas that the Board and staff have defined. IISE will continue to reach out to new markets with innovative products and strategies. We are building a strong foundation for future success.

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