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Our Need for Divine Authority

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Presentation on theme: "Our Need for Divine Authority"— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Need for Divine Authority
Divine Authority Is Revealed in Scripture

2 Authority Revealed in Scripture
God is Lord or Ruler of the universe. Acts 17:24 As God’s Divine Son, Jesus reveals God’s will for today. Hebrews 1:1,2; Matthew 28:18 Divine authority is revealed in the Scriptures. John 16:13; Ephesians 3:3-5; 1 Corinthians 14:37; 2 Timothy 3:16,17 All true religious authority comes ultimately from God through Jesus Christ as revealed in the Bible.

3 Our Need for Divine Authority
Divine Authority Is Revealed in Scripture The Bible Completely Reveals All God’s Will

4 Scripture Reveals All Truth
John 16:13 — The Holy Spirit revealed all truth to the apostles. Acts 20:20,27 — Paul preached the whole counsel of God, keeping back nothing that was profitable. 2 Timothy 3:16,17 — All good works are recorded in the Scriptures. 2 Peter 1:3; 1:12-15; 3:1,2— God granted all things that pertain to life and godliness. James 1:25 — The perfect law of liberty. Any practice that differs from Scripture is not true, not a good work, and does not pertain to godliness.

5 Our Need for Divine Authority
Divine Authority Is Revealed in Scripture The Bible Completely Reveals All God’s Will Practices Not Included in God’s Word Are Unacceptable

6 Practices Not Included in the Bible
The Principle of Ownership Acts 17:24; 1 Chronicles 29:11,12; Matthew 16:18; Acts 20:28; Ephesians 1:22,23; 5:23-25 The Principle of Wisdom Isaiah 55:8,9; Jeremiah 10:23; Proverbs 14:12; 2 Corinthians 10:18; Isaiah 30:1; Psalm 94:11,12 The Principle of Worship John 4:23,24; 16:13; Matthew 21:25; 15:9,13,14 The Principle of Love Matthew 22:37; John 14:15; Luke 16:15; 2 Timothy 4:2-4 The Principle of Faith Heb. 11:6; 2 Cor. 5:7; Rom. 10:17; Prov. 3:5,6; 28:26; 1 Cor. 2:5 The Principle of Authority Colossians 3:17; Galatians 1:6-9; 1 Timothy 1:3; 2 John 9; Jeremiah 7:23,24; Psalm 81:12,13

7 Applications of Divine Authority (General and Specific Authority / Aids and additions)
When God wants man to do a thing in a particular way, He instructs us by choosing words that are specific or narrow (limited, precise, restricted, detailed, exclusive) in their meaning.

8 Applications of Divine Authority (General and Specific Authority / Aids and additions)
When God wants man to do a thing in a particular way, He instructs us by choosing words that are specific or narrow (limited, precise, restricted, detailed, exclusive) in their meaning. When God wants to leave men free to choose from several alternative ways of doing a thing, He instructs us by choosing words that are more general or broad (inclusive, comprehensive, all-encompassing) in their meaning.

9 Applications of Divine Authority (General and Specific Authority / Aids and additions)
Bible Illustrations

10 Bible Illustrations of Authority
Instruction Unauthorized Authorized Make an ark of Gopher wood Metal Pine, Walnut Hammer/saw Cart & horse

11 Bible Illustrations of Authority
Instruction Unauthorized Authorized Make an ark of Gopher wood Metal Pine, Walnut Hammer/saw Cart & horse Dip in Jordan seven times Different river different # times North or south Servant’s help

12 Bible Illustrations of Authority
Instruction Unauthorized Authorized Make an ark of Gopher wood Metal Pine, Walnut Hammer/saw Cart & horse Dip in Jordan seven times Different river different # times North or south Servant’s help Fire for incense Different fire Amount of fire?

13 Bible Illustrations of Authority
Instruction Unauthorized Authorized Make an ark of Gopher wood Metal Pine, Walnut Hammer/saw Cart & horse Dip in Jordan seven times Different river different # times North or south Servant’s help Fire for incense Different fire Amount of fire? Temple: house of prayer/worship Sell merchandise change money Length of prayer

14 Bible Illustrations of Authority
Instruction Unauthorized Authorized Make an ark of Gopher wood Metal Pine, Walnut Hammer/saw Cart & horse Dip in Jordan seven times Different river different # times North or south Servant’s help Fire for incense Different fire Amount of fire? Temple: house of prayer/worship Sell merchandise change money Length of prayer God’s right hand Angels / Men ?

15 Bible Illustrations of Authority
Instruction Unauthorized Authorized Make an ark of Gopher wood Metal Pine, Walnut Hammer/saw Cart & horse Dip in Jordan seven times Different river different # times North or south Servant’s help Fire for incense Different fire Amount of fire? Temple: house of prayer/worship Sell merchandise change money Length of prayer God’s right hand Angels / Men ? Priests of Levi Different tribe Change of law

16 Bible Illustrations of Authority
Instruction Unauthorized Authorized Make an ark of Gopher wood Metal Pine, Walnut Hammer/saw Cart & horse Dip in Jordan seven times Different river different # times North or south Servant’s help Fire for incense Different fire Amount of fire? Temple: house of prayer/worship Sell merchandise change money Length of prayer God’s right hand Angels / Men ? Priests of Levi Different tribe Change of law 1 man & 1 woman in marriage Divorce, polygamy homosexuality Preacher

17 Applications of Divine Authority (General and Specific Authority / Aids and additions)
Bible Illustrations Modern Applications

18 Walk, ride, TV, board, Internet
Modern Applications Instruction Unauthorized Authorized Go Preach the gospel Human doctrine Walk, ride, TV, board, Internet

19 Walk, ride, TV, board, Internet
Modern Applications Instruction Unauthorized Authorized Go Preach the gospel Human doctrine Walk, ride, TV, board, Internet Bury in baptism Believe & repent Sprinkle/pour Baby, animal River, lake Baptistery

20 Walk, ride, TV, board, Internet
Modern Applications Instruction Unauthorized Authorized Go Preach the gospel Human doctrine Walk, ride, TV, board, Internet Bury in baptism Believe & repent Sprinkle/pour Baby, animal River, lake Baptistery Collection First day of week Rummage, business Weekday Containers Time of day

21 Walk, ride, TV, board, Internet
Modern Applications Instruction Unauthorized Authorized Go Preach the gospel Human doctrine Walk, ride, TV, board, Internet Bury in baptism Believe & repent Sprinkle/pour Baby, animal River, lake Baptistery Collection First day of week Rummage, business Weekday Containers Time of day Bread/Fruit of vine First Day of Week Hamburger/Coke Time of Day

22 Walk, ride, TV, board, Internet
Modern Applications Instruction Unauthorized Authorized Go Preach the gospel Human doctrine Walk, ride, TV, board, Internet Bury in baptism Believe & repent Sprinkle/pour Baby, animal River, lake Baptistery Collection First day of week Rummage, business Weekday Containers Time of day Bread/Fruit of vine First Day of Week Hamburger/Coke Time of Day Sing Piano, organ Songbook, parts

23 © Copyright David E. Pratte, 2019
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