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Funded Projects at Work: 8-Week Mind, Body, Spirit Challenge

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Presentation on theme: "Funded Projects at Work: 8-Week Mind, Body, Spirit Challenge"— Presentation transcript:

1 Funded Projects at Work: 8-Week Mind, Body, Spirit Challenge
Gilda’s Club Quad Cities Funded Projects at Work: 8-Week Mind, Body, Spirit Challenge This program is made possible by the Iowa Cancer Consortium & the Iowa Department of Public Health.

2 Project Cancer Plan Goal 13: Increase access to and awareness of quality-of-life services available to cancer patients during and after cancer treatment. Action I: Increase patient and caregiver awareness of and access to psychosocial, wellness, financial, sexual, spiritual, rehabilitation and community-based services

3 Project Cancer Plan Goal 3: Increase efforts that support healthy eating, physical activity and healthy weight status Goal 13: Action O: – Increase resource and support the unique needs of caregivers.

4 Project Objectives Objective 1:
Improve quality of life for cancer patients, survivors and caregivers in Muscatine, Iowa by increasing attendance at Healthy Lifestyle activities and Support Groups.

5 Project Objectives Objective 2:
Improve quality of life for cancer patients, survivors and caregivers in Muscatine, Iowa by reducing emotional distress.

6 Project

7 Tracking

8 Elements for Success Projected Reach a minimum of Iowans Achieved as of Mid Progress Report Submission Reached 27 Iowans

9 Elements for Success Extensive collaboration
Speakers who live/work in Muscatine Evidence based Spanish translation/interpreters

10 Collaboration Muscatine County UnityPoint Health – Trinity Muscatine
Flickinger Learning Center Senior Resources Musser Public Library First Presbyterian Church Iowa State University Extension & Outreach

11 Collaboration Muscatine County Allison Castle Caleen Pagel
Living Proof Exhibit Muscatine Art Center

12 Questions?

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