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Spider plot of the unstandardised SF-36v2 subscales, comparing our HCM population with the mean for the general population (aged 45–54 years). Spider plot.

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Presentation on theme: "Spider plot of the unstandardised SF-36v2 subscales, comparing our HCM population with the mean for the general population (aged 45–54 years). Spider plot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spider plot of the unstandardised SF-36v2 subscales, comparing our HCM population with the mean for the general population (aged 45–54 years). Spider plot of the unstandardised SF-36v2 subscales, comparing our HCM population with the mean for the general population (aged 45–54 years). Patients with HCM scored significantly lower than the age-matched general AUS population norms on the following subscales (marked with an asterisk); PF (p<0.001), RP (p=0.004), GH (p<0.001), VT (p=0.01), RE (p=0.01) and MH (p<0.001). BP and SF were non-significant. AUS, Australian; BP, bodily pain; GH, general health; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; MH, mental health; PF, physical functioning; RE, role emotional; RP, role physical; SF, social function; SF-36v2, Short Form-36 V.2; VT, vitality. *p<0.05. Joanna Sweeting et al. Open Heart 2016;3:e000484 ©2016 by British Cardiovascular Society

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