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An Introduction to Types and Formation

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1 An Introduction to Types and Formation
Air Masses An Introduction to Types and Formation

2 Air Masses . . . An air mass Is a large body of air located in the lower troposphere Moves together & has similar characteristics throughout Air masses are characterized & named by: Temperature Moisture Content

3 Air Mass Temperature . . . The Chilly Ones!
Extremely cold air masses Called arctic air masses Form between approximately 75°-90° (N or S) Symbolized by ____A Cold air masses Called polar air masses Form between approximately 45°-75° (N or S) Symbolized by ____P

4 Air Mass Temperature . . . The Scalding Ones!!!
Warm air masses Called tropical air masses Form between approximately 15°-45° (N or S) Symbolized by T Extremely hot air masses Called equatorial air masses Form between approximately 0°-15° (N or S) Symbolized by E

5 Air Mass Moisture Content
Moist air masses Form over oceans Called maritime air masses Symbolized by m____ Drier air masses Form over continents Called continental air masses Symbolized by c____

6 Example Air Mass Types—Continental
cA Symbolizes: Continental arctic air mass Means: dry & very cold air Could have formed over Antarctica cE Symbolizes: Continental equatorial air mass Means: dry & hot air Could have formed over Africa

7 Example Air Mass Types—Maritime
Symbolizes: Maritime polar air mass Means: moist & cold air Could have formed off the coast of Canada mT Symbolizes: Maritime tropical air mass Means: moist & warm air Could have formed over the Gulf of Mexico

8 Activity Stop in the notes and complete the Global Air Mass Originations Map. For each numbered box, determine which type of air mass would form there (cA, cP, cT, mP, mT, mE) based on . . . Is it over a continent or water? (c___ or m____) Is it in the artic, polar, tropical, or equatorial region? (____A, ____P, ____T, or ____E) Combine the two appropriate symbols and record the air mass type. Check # 1-5 with the teacher before finishing all 24!

9 Activity Answers #1-5 mP—maritime polar Formed over the ocean and between 45° and 60° latitude mT—maritime tropical Formed over the ocean and between 15°-45° latitude mE—maritime equatorial Formed over the ocean and at the equator cP—continental polar Formed over land and between 45°-75° latitude

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