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LHC Machine Advisory Committee Meeting no. 19, June 2006 DFB status

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1 LHC Machine Advisory Committee Meeting no. 19, June 2006 DFB status
R. van Weelderen AT/ACR on behalf of the DFB project team data provided by A. Ballarino, V. Benda, C. Bertone, R. Folch, R. Girardot, J. Miles, G. Mugnai, A. Perin, J.P. Tock, F. Rodriguez-Mateos, L. Serio,

2 overview Introduction to Electrical Distribution Feed Boxes for LHC (function, quantity, location) Main design features Project organization Status of key tasks and supplies (assembly & tests, current leads, IHEP components, proximity equipment, local integration, connections, transport & installation, commissioning) Production schedule Summary

3 Introduction: function, quantity, location
Functionalities Current supply to the LHC cryomagnets (all DFBs) 1300 current leads, 2900 kA total current, 44 boxes, incorporating from 2 to 71 current leads in 3 main types 16 DFBA: powering the arcs 23 DFBM: powering of standalone magnets in the LSS 5 DFBL: powering of the superconducting links Arc termination (DFBAs only) End of arc pressure forces recovery Support of beam tubes + cold-warm transition Supply of cryogenics to the arc Supply of cryogenics to the superconducting links (DFBL only) Deliverable: installed in the LHC tunnel fitted with all proximity equipment connected to the LHC magnets, ready to be operated. Functionalities of the DFBs Key facts 1300 current leads, 570 “chimneys” Numerous variants: 44 DFBs, 56 modules, 31 variants (drawings sets), from 2 to 71 current leads DFBAs are in the beam lines, high mechanical constraints Highly integrated into LHC machine Sensitive components (current leads, busbars, lambda plates) Very diverse components: cryogenic, electrical, vacuum, etc., implying several groups at CERN High number of interfaces DFB Powering function Location Nb of current leads DFBA Arc magnets At arc end (usually at Q7) 2 to 73 DFBM Standalone magnets Besides magnets in the LSS 4 to 17 DFBL Superconducting links In the RRs (caverns) 23 to 44

4 Introduction: function, quantity, location (4 out of 8 sectors shown)
Functionalities of the DFBs

5 Introduction: main design features
Functionalities of the DFBs 16 x DFBA 5 x DFBL 23 x DFBM Arc termination module (ATM) Current leads modules

6 Introduction: function, quantity, location
Water cooled cables Transformers Instrumentation rack Shuffling module Cryogenic jumper 6 kA current lead 13 kA current lead RT beam pipes

7 Project organization Agreement with AT and TS departments for responsibility of specific tasks to be taken by various groups corresponding to their expertise: - - - integration, - proximity equipment assembly, - transport/positioning/alignment, - interconnection (in tunnel), - warm&cold commisioning. Below is the resulting organizational chart with as much as possible the specific persons, departments and groups involved indicated

8 Project organization

9 Project organization: production scheme

10 Project organization: production scheme, IHEP/CERN
DFBAO& DFBAN All other DFBs Supplied by CERN Specification drawings Execution drawings Definition of raw materials Supply of raw materials for DFBs All components Busbar system + cold mass Warm GHe + transformers support Current leads + pigtails Tooling for assembly Test tools Assembly of the DFBs at CERN Supplied by CERN Specification drawings Raw materials Busbar system + cold mass Proximity equipment Current leads + pigtails Arc termination modules Test tools Assembly of DFBA-HCMs at CERN Supplied by IHEP Execution drawings Definition of raw materials CL modules components MLI Assembly tooling Assembly of the DFBMs, DFBLs and DFBA-LCMs at CERN Tooling for assembly Test tools Supplied by IHEP MLI

11 Status of key tasks: assembly & tests
Components DFBA busbar bundles lambda plates CL cartridges assembly area Assembly of current leads cartridges Assembly of the busbar bundles Assembly of the Arc Termination Module (ATM) Assembly of DFBM, DFBL, LCM Assembly of DFBA HCM Assembly of DFBA shuffling boxes CL modules assembly stands Final assembly + tests Final assembly and tests AT-ACR IHEP / AT-ACR TS-MME ICS / AT Pressure test area for DFBAs Global leak test of DFBM

12 Status of key tasks: assembly & tests
Main tooling installed in B183 4 assembly stands for DFBA modules 2 assembly stands for DFBM modules 2 assembly & test stands for ATM/ DFBA 10 assembly stands for cartridges Workshop and office/rest areas

13 Status of key tasks: assembly & tests

14 ATM - Arc Termination Modules Activity: Mounting, welding, handling
Status of key tasks: assembly & tests ATM and HTM assembly WP by TS-MME ATM - Arc Termination Modules Activity: Mounting, welding, handling Status: DFBAO, DFBAN (7.8): completed DFBAA, DFBAP (8.1): completed DFBAH, DFBAI (4.5): under way Assembly rate: 2 ATM / 5 weeks Major concern: Special design K, L 16 units for the DFBA SHM (shuffling module) DFBA HCM – High Current Modules Activity: Mounting, welding, brazing Status: DFBAO, DFBAN (7.8): completed DFBAA, DFBAP (8.1): under way Assembly rate: 2 HCM / 5 weeks Major concern: Missing components Current leads: 13kA, 6kA, 600A

15 Status of key supplies: current leads
Current leads delivery on time (compare LHC dashboards for 600 A and 6 kA leads)

16 Status of key supplies: IHEP components
Except for DFBLA, all major IHEP components for sector 7-8 and 8-1 have been delivered to CERN, components for sector 4-5 to be complete by end of June. Percentage of supply of incomplete chimneys, because of sub-components delivery by CERN on the critical path.

17 Status of key tasks: proximity equipment
Includes GHe piping & valves transformers all cabling design includes warm beam pipes Design & production of frame & piping Performed by TS-MME Integration of electrical equipment Performed by AT-MEL Status Sector 7-8 DFBMA Delivered. ELQA done (Davide). DFBMC Delivered. ELQA done (Davide). DFBAO Delivered. ELQA not yet requested. DFBMH(X2) Delivered. ELQA not yet requested. DFBAN Delivered. ELQA not yet requested. Sector 8-1 DFBMB Ready to be Delivered. ELQA not yet requested. DFBMI Ready to be Delivered. ELQA not yet requested. DFBMJ Ready to be Delivered. ELQA not yet requested. DFBAA Assembling ongoing DFBAP Waiting for assembly DFBLA Study ongoing. DFB scheduled for LHC tunnel by October 6, 2006. Installation of the transformers on DFBAN frame CL control valve CL heaters transformers CL instr. cabling 600A current lead

18 Local integration: mandate of the interfaces working group (DFBI-WG)
The mandate of this WG comprises the coordination for: clarification and documentation of all DFB interfaces, including integration studies And for all DFBs with the exception of DFBX, the coordination for: definition of sequences and procedures for the connexion of DFBs to their interfaces (mechanical, electrical, vacuum, cryogenic, instrumentation,…) transport (from assembly hall to their final position in tunnel or underground area) and alignment interconnections in times defined which are in agreement with respect to the installation planning definition of procedures to be applied during interventions for commissioning and operation phases of LHC about 30 members representing the groups concerned (AB/PO, AT/ACR, AT/CRI, AT/MEL, AT/VAC, TS/CV, TS/EL, TS/IC, TS/MME & TS/SU) meetings take place every second week, 17 meetings held up to now

19 Local integration: DFBI-WG status
Integration studies for DFBs and ancillary equipment in sector 78 have been completed and are well advanced for sector 81. Studies for sectors 45 and 34 have started. Procedure for transport of DFBM and DFBA-LCM; document prepared by TS-IC discussed and approved. Procedure for DFBA-HCM in preparation Studies pertaining to the mechanical support of the DFBA and DFBM have been presented and final solutions decided and agreed upon Ongoing studies on the interconnection sequences and procedures as well as required times for connections between: DFB-magnets (standard interconnect and through links) DFB-QRL DFB-power cables DFB modules Studies for the preparation of DFB zones prior to DFB transport have been carried out, especially with respect to power and instrumentation cabling Overall sequences, co-activities and responsibilities are continuously monitored, discussed and clarified when needed Permanent communication exchanges with the planning and installation coordination teams

20 Status of key tasks: connections Surface activities at 183
Electrical Interconnections between SHM-HCM for 16 DFBA: Completed for 13 kA and well advanced for 6 kA for DFBAO (R8) 6 kA connection 600 A : Under realisation ; 1st use of ultrasonic welding machine in actual conditions Tooling and preliminary procedures are available. Optimisation is very likely. Sharing of tasks with TS, ACR, MEL, VAC is defined. These activities will require 3 trained and qualified operators (presently, 2 are under qualification); the team is under construction ; it is foreseen to work on two benches in parallel 13 kA connection

21 Status of key tasks: connections Tunnel activities
16 DFBA: HCM/LCM and LCM/Q6 Sequences are defined ; adaptation of the procedures of the standard interconnections is going on. 23 DFBM: Link between QX and DFBM Sequences are defined ; preliminary procedures are available. DFBMA is installed ; half of the link has been assembled. Electrical connections will start on 19/6/2006. Tooling and operators will be shared with surface activities and standard interconnections to carry out the first ones. Components availability has been checked for DFMA and DFBMC (8R) ; to be done and improved for the next ones

22 Status of key tasks: connections Tunnel activities
5 DFBL: The interconnection design is under verification. Team was reinforced by having a part time engineer, specialised in the cryomagnet interconnections. CONCLUSION: - Work is progressing ; a lot has been learnt and implemented in a short time - Room for improvement (preparation, optimisation of procedure) to be more efficient for future activities ; this requires human resources now but it is worth investing them now - Tooling : * TIG welding tooling for tunnel activities is defined and ordered * Electrical connection tooling (ultrasonic welding machine, resistive soldering ovens, ancillary tooling) are under definition, manufacturing but sharing with other interconnections allows to progress Advantage of working with IEG-F523 - Operators : team is under construction ; difficult to plan for all the activities - Internal CERN resources are redirected to this project with a possible negative impact on other interconnection activities - DFBL : Still a lot to do and (bad) surprises could be expected

23 Status of key tasks: transport & installation LIFTING
DFBMA DFBA-dummy DFBA-HCM+ATMs “short”, non-inclinable, DFBA-HCM+ATMs long Short items: DFBMs and DFBA-LCMs, 3 dedicated C-shaped frames (allows lifting, traction, and sliding down tunnel shafts)

24 Status of key tasks: transport & installation Rolling
Short items: DFBMs and DFBA-LCMs, bogies DFBMA

25 Status of key tasks: transport & installation Rolling
Long items: DFBA-HCMs, bogies Status: DFBM C-shapes and bogies ok, simplified items under way. DFBA bogies under validation, successful test transport (3rd of June), speed ~1km/h, difficult steering from behind, more tests foreseen 16th of June. DFBL procurement of very flat transport platform for 4 boxes, fifth box needs specific adaptations on IHEP side to enable using DFBX transport system, extremely tight (point 3).

26 Status of key tasks: commissioning
4 documents on the cryogenic commissioning and 1 document on the global hardware commissioning of the DFB. 1 under approval, 2 under engineering check and 2 being written. Control logic documents and supervision screens have also been issued for implementation in the control system. 1) Circuits and PFD during the DFB commissioning phases (cooldown, LHe filling, normal operation, powering and warm-up): the Engineering Specification LHC-Q-ES-0004 has been written, checked and is under approval. 2) The process control specification and definition of operational phases: The Engineering Specification on the process of the cryogenic system for LHC (inclusive of the DFB), LHC-Q-ES-0003 has been written and is under engineering check. 3) The commissioning of the DFB (global): LHC-DFB-HCP-0001 has been written and is under engineering check. 4) The commissioning of the cryogenic system of the LHC inclusive of the DFB cryogenic commissioning: LHC-Q-ES-0002 is currently being written and should go to engineering check in July. 5) Failure scenarios and reliability of the cryogenic system of the LHC (inclusive of the DFB): LHC-Q-ES-0005 is currently being written and should go to engineering check in July.

27 Production schedule: ready for transport into the tunnel

28 Assembly teams up to capacity
Summary Assembly teams up to capacity IHEP supply rate sets the pace; just in-time for LHC schedule Current leads supply; ok Transport; ok, just in time, few open points for special cases In-tunnel and HCM-ATM connection work; ok, just in time, few open points for special cases Integration ok, just ahead of production Components on the critical path (no buffer): proximity equipment, busbar bundles, drawings verification, sub-components for current-lead cartridges

29 Extra slides, Assembly at CERN: Status Legend

30 Extra slides, Assembly at CERN: Status for Sector 7-8

31 Extra slides, Assembly at CERN: Status Sector 8-1

32 Extra slides, Assembly at CERN: Status Sector 4-5

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