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Ungraded quiz Unit 1.

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1 Ungraded quiz Unit 1

2 Show me your fingers Do not shout out the answer, or your classmates will follow what you said. Use your fingers One finger (the right finger) = A Two fingers = B Three fingers = C Four fingers = D No finger = I don’t know. I didn’t study

3 What is considered the first Christian psychologist?
Thomas Aquinas Philip Melanchthon Augustine of Hippo Soren Kierkegaard

4 What of the following statements is UNTRUE?
Aquinas is said to be the precursor of evolutionary psychology Aquinas accepted mind-body dichotomy Aquinas believed that long-term bonding between a male and a female is out of the necessity of raising kids. Aquinas viewed humans as social animals.

5 What is the core idea of Kierkegaard’s existentialism
What is the core idea of Kierkegaard’s existentialism? Choose the best answer Psychology should be based upon philosophical reflections rather than scientific experimentation. Our anxiety arises from our existential problems e.g. who am I? What will I become? We need love to overcome anxiety and despair. All of the above

6 Which of the following is NOT a tenet of modernism?
Religious authorities are not ultimate. Inquiry should be based on human reasoning. Scientific methods should be employed in research. Modernists prefer pluralism to universalism.

7 Which of the following is NOT a tenet of secularism?
Religion should be excluded from the public square. Diverse worldviews must be respected. Religious belief and practice should be reduced in our daily life. Any claim must be scientifically verified before we accept it.

8 Which of the following is NOT true?
Auguste Comte is the father of logical positivism Auguste Comte is the father of modern sociology According to positivism, a statement is meaningless if it cannot be examined to be either true or false. Ethics and metaphysics are unscientific opinions.

9 Which of the following statement is UNTRUE?
After the rise of modernism, secularism, and positivism, religion became a subject matter of psychological study. Fundamentalism avoids modernism and secularism by disengagement. Evangelicals respond to new psychology by establishing schools and academic journals of psychology. Rosemead School of Psychology is the first evangelical school to begin a doctoral program in clinical psychology.

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