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FAA Privatization OAOA April 24, 2017 Steve Hadley

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1 FAA Privatization OAOA April 24, 2017 Steve Hadley
Regional Program Director National Business Aviation Association Tim Jamison President Oklahoma Business Aviation Association

2 FAA Privatization FAA Authorization Expires September 30th, 2017
US Representative Bill Shuster, Chairman of the US House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure is planning to again present a bill to privatize the FAA ATC Privatization would include user fees, a governing board majority made up of airline interests with no US Congressional oversight. A bill from Rep Shuster is expected in May with his intentions of finalization by September 30th.

3 Privatization – FAA Reauthorization
How has it been previously proposed by U.S. Representative Shuster, Chairman of the US House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure? A privatized ATC managed by a governing board made up of 13 members, the controlling majority being held by large airline special interests enabling them to control access to our airports No oversight or accountability to Congress and the public through their elected officials Funded by user fees

4 Comparison to Canada’s NAVCAN
The airlines like to argue that privatization works for Canada. They neglect to mention that even NAVCAN representatives don’t know that their system would work on the scale of the US. The Canada system has in the past required going to their reserves and increase fees and who pays them. Most of Canada’s traffic is also overflight traffic, not landing and departing.

5 What has happened so far
The White House has included FAA Privatization in their proposed budget NBAA and the General Aviation industry responded with opposition to the budget and Participated in a town hall meeting with the White House The airlines and their lobbyist group Airlines for America (A4A) have initiated their own grassroots efforts with local communities. Local groups, business CEO’s and civic groups have reached out to their elected officials to oppose privatization

6 NBAA Response to White House Budget

7 White House Town Hall Meeting

8 Airline Industry Letters and NBAA Response

9 Press Opposition to Privatization

10 Regional Group Letters to Congress

11 GA Industry Letters to Senate

12 GA Industry Letters to US House

13 What is next? The month of April has been quiet with Congress in a two week recess and considering other legislation. We anticipate a Privatization bill from US Representative Shuster by the end of May It may be a stand alone bill or it may be combined with the Infrastructure Bill which might mean that the bill would be more dangerous . Once we see the actual bill, NBAA will have a Contact Congress letter available for our industry stakeholders to use.

14 What can you do? Continue to educate your fellow industry peers to the issues and as well to speak to the issue with those influential people you may know and encourage them to contact their elected US officials. Several of our groups have reached out to their civic groups to educate them. Some are organizing delegations to visit with their representatives in Washington Prepare as a group and individually for numerous calls to action and letter submission to specific lawmakers as we get into the battle to prevent a privatization bill from happening While your Congressional members are now on recess and back home, reach out to them to let them know our industry does not support privatization

15 Educate and Advocate

16 Questions?


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