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AB 1755 The Open and Transparent Water Data Act ALIGNMENT GOOD

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Presentation on theme: "AB 1755 The Open and Transparent Water Data Act ALIGNMENT GOOD"— Presentation transcript:

1 AB 1755 The Open and Transparent Water Data Act ALIGNMENT GOOD
Christina McCready, Chief Integrated Data & Analysis Branch (DSIWM) California Department of Water Resources ALIGNMENT GOOD RIGHT JUSTIFIED TO A GRID LINE

2 Assembly Bill 1755 (Dodd)

3 Assembly Bill 1755 (Dodd)

4 Assembly Bill 1755 (Dodd)

5 Assembly Bill 1755 (Dodd)

6 Assembly Bill 1755 (Dodd)

7 What is Open Data? minimal restrictions liberal terms of use
attribute and sharealike for any purpose freely used, re-used and redistributed by anyone freely used, modified, and shared public domain minimal restrictions

8 Assembly Bill 1755 (Dodd) AB 1755 is an opportunity to integrate and increase access to water data collected by governmental agencies, which will: Foster collaboration among state agencies Create opportunities to share and integrate datasets Minimize duplicate data gathering and reconciliation of diverse datasets Improve water resources management and operations through data-driven decision-making Improve transparency and accountability

9 Assembly Bill 1755 (Dodd) Implementation partners include:
Department of Water Resources State Water Resources Control Board California Department of Fish and Wildlife California Water Quality Monitoring Council Governor’s Office of Planning and Research California Natural Resources Agency Government Operations Agency (GovOps) Delta Stewardship Council Research sector (e.g., California Council on Science and Technology, UC Water, national labs)

10 AB 1755 Implementation

11 Strategic Plan Vision Goals
Useful data for sound, sustainable water resource management Goals Data are sufficient Data are accessible Data are useful Data are used

12 Iterative, user-based approach
Initial Protocols Iterative, user-based approach Develop only what is necessary 3 initial protocols Identify a data steward Publish and document on an open data platform Access data

13 Led by UC San Diego Supercomputer Center
Open Water Information Architecture Led by UC San Diego Supercomputer Center System requirements document that will inform additional AB 1755 protocols Goal of increasing interoperability of systems

14 Federated Interoperable Portals

15 State-hosted portals Tools to help SMEs address business needs
Data discovery, interoperability, visualization  Maximize value of data

16 Use Cases (User Demands)

17 Use Cases (User Demands)

18 Safe Drinking Water Data Challenge
Data Challenges and Testbeds Safe Drinking Water Data Challenge Testbed Activities

19 Safe Drinking Water Data Challenge

20 Safe Drinking Water Data Challenge

21 Exploration of Governance/Funding

22 Discussion

23 Portal federation CNRA Link: California Open Data Portal Link:

24 What is Open Data? Many definitions exist
Open Knowledge International European Data Portal World Bank Open Definition Open Definition

25 What is Open Data? World Bank calls out two dimensions of data openness: legally open—placed in the public domain or under liberal terms of use with minimal restrictions technically open—published in electronic formats that are machine readable and non-proprietary, so that anyone can access and use the data using common, freely available software tools. Data must also be publicly available and accessible on a public server, without password or firewall restrictions. To make Open Data easier to find, most organizations create and manage Open Data catalogs

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