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QDE Purchase Order.

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1 QDE Purchase Order

2 Purchase Order Purchase Order is designed for minimum keying for a small business, dealing with a small range of suppliers for minimum purchases. This document is likely not suitable for a business of significant scale, other than for casual purchases. Our use is for two main suppliers, one in the USA and one local who represent > 90% of the 20 or so orders we place each year. Arithmetic is automated, including calculation of GST (VAT) where required. Supplier names and ship to addresses may be drawn from lookups.

3 FormTrap use QDE for ALL
Accounting Documents Our forms include auto-fill, list selection from internal and external lists, arithmetic and other components. QDE Forms may include complex arithmetic, internal totalling, If-then-Else logic, RegEx expressions, etc. QDE output is identical XML files to FormTrap, and may be sent to FormTrap Server to: print fax archive

4 This is a QDE page that collects document data.
Quick Supplier Ref is a short name (from a list) that populates from Supplier Company through to Supplier Fax (see output later) Currency is a pull-down list where you MUST select one of the options. GST Applies is a tick box Ship To is also from a list and populates other areas on output Next Record is a decision point.

5 This from a single copy of “our” names, eg our-fax used universally.
This autofills from Quick Supplier Ref = Tek Subtotal and GST are calculated, with GST shown only where GST is ticked This autofills from Ship To = Alan-Melb

6 QDE Prompts This is a “long prompt”. Prompts can be left of or over the keying areas, this Prompt is over.

7 QDE Help / Instructions
This is an optional Help / Instructions panel, shown when the mouse is “ hovered” over PO.

8 QDE List Response This shows a list response, selecting FTSrv 30 printers FTSrv 30 printers expands when formatted to this.

9 QDE Within Form Lists Lists may be built into the form, like this one is …

10 QDE External Lists … or supplied as external lists (simple .txt files). External lists are maintained without modifying forms.

11 This QDE form is available from
Purchase Order This QDE form is available from

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