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“Exploring the material world” Conductors and non-conductors

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Presentation on theme: "“Exploring the material world” Conductors and non-conductors"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Exploring the material world” Conductors and non-conductors
Teaching kit “Exploring the material world” Conductors and non-conductors

2 Conductors and non-conductors
The different aspects of the discovery of the material world can only be approached from real-life situations and observation satisfying children’s curiosity.

3 Activity 13 : Conductors, non conductors
This activity can be performed with or without supervision. In either case, the mediator will begin by presenting the relevant activity sheet.

4 Not all wires conduct electricity: some materials are non-conductors.
Exploring the material world: Conductors and non-conductors Sheet n° 13 Activity 13 : Conductors, non conductors… The lamp is in working order. The battery is in working order. Everything is connected, the circuit is closed. But the lamp isn’t working! Not all wires conduct electricity: some materials are non-conductors. 4,5 V

5 Not all wires conduct electricity: some materials are non-conductors..
Question 1 : - Tell me what you can see in the activity sheet… Sheet n° 12 The lamp is in working order. The battery is in working order. Everything is connected, the circuit is closed. But the lamp isn’t working! Not all wires conduct electricity: some materials are non-conductors.. 4,5 V

6 Not all wires conduct electricity: some materials are non-conductors.
Sheet n° 12 If the child takes a long time to answer, the question should be rephrased. The lamp is in working order. The battery is in working order. Everything is connected, the circuit is closed. But the lamp isn’t working! Not all wires conduct electricity: some materials are non-conductors. 4,5 V 4,5 V

7 Not all wires conduct electricity: some materials are non-conductors.
Sheet n° 12 Example of a prompt: Say what you see in the pictures… (while showing the light bulb and the battery). The lamp is in working order. The battery is in working order. Everything is connected, the circuit is closed. But the lamp isn’t working! Not all wires conduct electricity: some materials are non-conductors. 4,5 V 4,5 V

8 Not all wires conduct electricity: some materials are non-conductors.
Exploring the material world: Conductors and non-conductors Sheet n° 13 Activity 13 : Conductors, non conductors… The lamp is in working order. The battery is in working order. Everything is connected, the circuit is closed. But the lamp isn’t working! Not all wires conduct electricity: some materials are non-conductors. 4,5 V

9 At nursery school, the important thing is that children should identify and name what they see.

10 Questions to ask the child:
The lamp is in working order. The battery is in working order. Everything is connected, the circuit is closed. But the lamp isn’t working! Why ? Expected answer: Not all wires conduct electricity: some materials are non-conductors.

11 Questions to ask the child:
What are the wires made of? Expected answer: “metal” or “electric wire”, or “plastic”… (point out that the plastic covers another material)

12 Observation and description are the opportunity to draw attention to the different parts of the object being studied…

13 Questions to ask the child:
Do you think any kind of wire can be used to connect the battery to the lamp? (expected answer: “only metal”) We are going to try out several different materials…

14 The mediator should ask the children to turn the sheet over.

15 Exploring the material world: Conductors and non-conductors
Exploring the material world: Conductors and non-conductors Sheet n° 13 Complete the circuit with the right material for the lamp to come on… Metal wire Plastic wire Wooden stick Scarf ? 4,5 V

16 ? The mediator will “read” each picture with the child… Wooden stick
Metal wire Plastic wire Wooden stick Scarf ? 4,5 V

17 ? - Tell me what you see on the sheet… Sheet n° 12 Wooden stick
Metal wire Plastic wire Wooden stick Scarf ? 4,5 V

18 ? Sheet n° 12 (make them say: lamp, wires, battery, stick, scarf)
Metal wire Plastic wire Wooden stick Scarf ? 4,5 V

19 Questions to ask the child:
Observe what these things are made of. Wood metal Are they the same? wool plastic

20 Questions to ask the child:
Point out the two wires… Metal wire Plastic wire

21 Experiments to suggest:
Close circuits with the different materials and note down in your notebook what happens. 4,5 V

22 Experiments to suggest:
Your circuit is closed. Does the wood conduct electricity? ? 4,5 V ? Does the lamp light up? Note down your observations….

23 Experiments to suggest:
Your circuit is closed. Does the fabric conduct electricity? ? 4,5 V ? Does the lamp light up? Note down your observations….

24 Experiments to suggest:
Your circuit is closed. Does the metal wire conduct electricity? ? 4,5 V ? Does the lamp light up? Note down your observations….

25 Experiments to suggest:
Your circuit is closed. Does the plastic wire conduct electricity? ? 4,5 V ? Does the lamp light up? Note down your observations….

26 Ideas to be got across to the children:
When a material conducts electricity, we say that it is a conductor. Metal wire (iron, zinc, copper etc) is a conductor. 4,5 V

27 Ideas to be got across to the children:
When a material does not conduct electricity, we say that it is a non-conductor. 4,5 V Plastic wire is a non-conductor.

28 Activity not requiring supervision…
This means that the activity can be started and carried out without the mediator being present. The activity can be performed by one or more children, with or without the help of the family.

29 Advice for performing the activity without supervision :
1. You can test different materials for making an electric circuit by yourself or with the help of your parents… 2. If the lamp lights up, the material is a conductor: it conducts electricity…

30 3. You can illustrate each stage in the experiment with drawings, notes, photos…
(these notes and observations can sometimes be made with the mediator and sometimes independently)

31 All these experiments are aids to discussion and to attempts at representation (through drawing or photography), which are themselves new subjects of discussion.

32 The activities presented can be performed under the mediator’s supervision
In conducting the experiments, the mediator will follow the guidelines set out in the mediator’s handbook.

33 Conducting experiments, observing and looking after things are a unique resource for verbal expression and interaction, even for the youngest and most reserved children.

34 In the course of these exchanges with the adult, an orderly pattern of questioning, clear concepts and, ultimately, knowledge will take shape.

35 Making a notebook with the children
They will be able to illustrate what they have leant at each stage in the experiment with drawings, notes and photos: - the closed circuit with wood, fabric, plastic and metal; - testing the conductivity of other materials; - making a simple circuit, with the lamp lit up, depending on the properties of the wires used. (these notes and observations can be made sometimes with the mediator and sometimes independently)

36 The written recording of observations (dictated to an adult) helps to memorise knowledge, become aware of relationships in space and time and identify causal links.

37 All these experiments are aids to discussion and to attempts at representation (through drawing or photography), which are themselves new subjects of discussion.

38 the child should be able to…
On completion of the activity the child should be able to… - recognise some conductors and non-conductors; - form an electric circuit to light up a lamp.

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