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Klemens von Metternich

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Presentation on theme: "Klemens von Metternich"— Presentation transcript:

1 Klemens von Metternich
Famous People #4 Tokagawa Ieyasu Pericles of Athens Yasser Arafat Vasco da Gama Kwame Nkrumah Slobodan Milosevic Pol Pot Kaiser Wilhelm II Shi Huangdi Otto von Bismarck Kim Jong il Xerxes Marco Polo Philip II of Spain Marie Antoinette Thomas Malthus Michelangelo Suleyman the Lawgiver Klemens von Metternich Pope Urban II Kublai Khan Shah Reza Pahlavi Nikita Khrushchev Lech Walesa Vladimir Putin

2 1q Led Japan into isolationism. Concentrated power by taking it from shoguns. ANSWER

3 1a Tokugawa Ieyasu

4 Democratic leader of Athens
2q Democratic leader of Athens ANSWER

5 2a Pericles

6 Leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization.
3q Leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization. ANSWER

7 3a Yasser Arafat

8 First to explore India for Portugal.
4q First to explore India for Portugal. ANSWER

9 4a Vasco da Gama

10 African nationalist. Gained independence for Gold Coast.
5q African nationalist. Gained independence for Gold Coast. ANSWER

11 5a Kwame Nkrumah

12 Ethnic cleansing of Bosnian Muslims
6q Ethnic cleansing of Bosnian Muslims ANSWER

13 6a Slobodan Milosevic

14 7q Genocide in Cambodia ANSWER

15 7a Pol Pot

16 Leader of Germany during World War I
8q Leader of Germany during World War I ANSWER

17 8a Kaiser Wilhelm I

18 Built Great Wall of China
9q Built Great Wall of China ANSWER

19 9a Shi Huangdi

20 United Germany in 1848. Blood and Iron
10q United Germany in Blood and Iron ANSWER

21 10a Otto von Bismarck

22 Current ruler of North Korea
11q Current ruler of North Korea ANSWER

23 11a Kim Jong il

24 King of Persian Empire. Defeated by Greece.
12q King of Persian Empire. Defeated by Greece. ANSWER

25 12a Xerxes

26 Italian merchant who traveled and traded throughout China
13q Italian merchant who traveled and traded throughout China ANSWER

27 13a Marco Polo

28 14q Catholic King of Spain ANSWER

29 14a Phillip II

30 Wife of Louis XVI. Beheaded after French Revolution.
15q Wife of Louis XVI. Beheaded after French Revolution. ANSWER

31 15a Marie Antoinette

32 Wrote “Essay on the Principle of Population”
16q Wrote “Essay on the Principle of Population” ANSWER

33 16a Thomas Malthus

34 Renaissance artist who painted the Sistine Chapel.
17q Renaissance artist who painted the Sistine Chapel. ANSWER

35 17a Michelangelo

36 Established code of laws in the Ottoman Empire.
18q Established code of laws in the Ottoman Empire. ANSWER

37 18a Suleyman the Lawgiver.

38 He attempted to bring a balance of power to Europe after Napoleon
19q He attempted to bring a balance of power to Europe after Napoleon ANSWER

39 Klemens von Metternich
19a Klemens von Metternich

40 Urged Christians to regain the Holy Lands. Led to the Crusades.
20q Urged Christians to regain the Holy Lands. Led to the Crusades. ANSWER

41 20a Pope Urban II

42 Mongol ruler in China. Hosted Marco Polo.
21q Mongol ruler in China. Hosted Marco Polo. ANSWER

43 21a Kublai Khan

44 22q He westernized Iran ANSWER

45 22a Shah Reza Pahlavi

46 Russian Première during Cuban Missile Crisis
23q Russian Première during Cuban Missile Crisis ANSWER

47 23a Nikita Khrushchev

48 Forced end to Communism in Poland
24q Forced end to Communism in Poland ANSWER

49 24a Lech Walesa

50 Lead Russia away from democracy in the 2000s.
25q Lead Russia away from democracy in the 2000s. ANSWER

51 25a Vladimir Putin

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