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The 6 Kingdoms Of Living Things.

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1 The 6 Kingdoms Of Living Things

2 Important Terms to Compare
Prokaryotic (no nucleus or membrane bound organelles) vs. Eukaryotic cell (nucleus and organelles) Heterotrophic (gets food from other source vs. Autotrophic(makes own food ) Asexual (1 parent)vs. sexual (2 parent) reproduction

3 Domains

4 This phylogenetic tree, based on rRNA sequences, demonstrates the division of all living things into three broad domains.

5 The 6 Kingdoms Of Life

6 Archaebacteria Life’s Extremists…
Cell Type: Prokaryotic Cell Structure: Cell walls without peptidoglycan. Body type: Unicellular Nutrition: Usually autotrophic, but may be heterotrophic. Other: Live in extreme environments: hot, salt, high acidity, very alkaline Other: Reproduction by binary fission

7 Eubacteria Cell Type: Prokaryotic
Cell Structure: Cell wall with peptidoglycan Body Type: Unicellular Nutrition: Heterotrophic and Autotrophic Other: Many are disease causing Reproduce by binary fission Decomposers

8 Protista Cell Type: Eukaryotic
Cell Structure: Some have cell walls and some do not Body Type: Unicellular or colonial (multicellular) Nutrition: Heterotrophic and autotrophic. Other: Examples: Protozoa, Algae, Slime Mold, and Water Mold, Giant Kelp Eukaryotes that do not fit anywhere else go here Includes many types of plankton—zoo and phyto Many have cilia or flagella (flagellum)

9 Fungi Cell type: Eukaryotic cells Cell Structure: Cell wall of chitin
Body type: Multi-cellular except for yeast Nutrition: Heterotrophic by absorption Other: Examples include mushrooms Decomposers

10 Plantae Cell Type: Eukaryotic cells
Cell Structure: Cell walls of cellulose Body Type: multicellular Nutrition: Autotrophic by photosynthesis Other: Chloroplasts in many cells

11 Animalia Cell Type: Eukaryotic Cells Cell Structure: No cell wall.
Body type: Multi-cellular Nutrition: Heterotrophic by ingestion Other: Invertebrate (no backbone) vs. vertebrate (backbone)

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