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Rise of Greece.

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Presentation on theme: "Rise of Greece."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rise of Greece

2 Foundations Mycenae Greeks collapsed following the Dorian Invasion
Those people adopted Minoan and Mycenae way Geography Mountains Divided population = City States Independence Bad farming The Sea Safe harbors Trade - Ideas Colonization

3 City States Referred to as a Polis Included territory around the city
Generally had an Acropolis High Hill with temples Allowed for development of different government

4 Types of Governments Monarchy: Hereditary ruler with central power (King) Aristocracy: Rule by hereditary landholding elites Oligarchy: Rule by small group of wealthy elite Democracy: Rule by the people

5 The development of democracy
Why Greece? The development of democracy

6 Theory A: Mythology Greek gods Greek Myths
Essentially humans with superpowers Made being human qualities valuable Greek Myths Iliad and Odyssey show the value of human ability Trojan Horse Could remove the gods and story still works

7 Theory B: Military Greeks fought in a phalanx Formed by Citizens
8 men deep, squares Required incredible teamwork Formed by Citizens All who could afford equipment fought If citizens fought, citizens should run things

8 Really Democratic?

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