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The Perspective of a Professional Body (HPCSA) on National Standards & Reviews. the SAAIR CONFERENCE at UJ Prof K Mfenyana 03 July 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "The Perspective of a Professional Body (HPCSA) on National Standards & Reviews. the SAAIR CONFERENCE at UJ Prof K Mfenyana 03 July 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Perspective of a Professional Body (HPCSA) on National Standards & Reviews. the SAAIR CONFERENCE at UJ Prof K Mfenyana 03 July 2019

2 BRIEF Outline Introduction The Perspectives Conclusion

3 Introduction – National Reviews
National reviews form part of CHE’s Quality Assurance System for the purpose of increasing public confidence in Higher Education Programmes and Qualifications

4 Introduction - Standards in Higher Education
Are under the control of the institution. They include, for example: Requirements for admission What to teach How to teach Where to teach How to assess students Maintenance of staff – student ratios Use of external examiners

5 Introduction - National Standards
Provide an agreed matrix of benchmarks against which institutional assessment criteria and awards can be evaluated A qualification standard is a statement that indicates how the purpose of the qualification and the level on the NQF at which it is awarded, are represented in the learning domains, assessment contexts, and graduate attributes that are typical for the award of the qualification

6 Perspectives of Professional Bodies - Enhancement
The qualification standards should: assist in ensuring that all higher education qualifications meet the criteria for registration by SAQA assist higher education institutions in ensuring that their qualifications are registrable with professional bodies assist higher education institutions in ensuring that their qualification are attractive to employers and produce public satisfaction

7 Perspectives of Professional Bodies - Building Relationships
The relation with professional bodies is critical Professional bodies (HPCSA) have a statutory responsibility to ensure that standards are met before graduates are registered as professionals, in addition to the academic qualification No registration, no practice

8 Perspectives of Professional Bodies - Alignment
Have their own criteria for approval of programmes for registration of graduates It is therefore critical that there should be an alignment between the qualification standards that are being developed by CHE and the criteria for registration of graduates by the professional bodies

9 Perspectives of Professional Bodies - Additional requirements
It should be noted, however, that: The criteria for registration of graduates goes beyond HEQSF purpose statement and the HEQC requirements for accreditation. These requirements relate to curriculum content, skills required, teaching and learning platform, values, attitudes and ethical issues

10 Perspectives of Professional Bodies - Taking Care of Variants
To me, it makes sense to develop different sets of qualification standards for a Bachelor’s Degree and a Professional Bachelor’s Degree It also makes perfects sense to develop different sets of qualification standards for a Master’s Degree and a Professional Master’s Degree

11 Perspectives of Professional Bodies - Taking Care of Variants
Why Standards for these variants should be different, for example: A Professional Bachelor’s Degree like MB ChB has a minimum of 720 credits ( 6 years of study) compared to a Bachelor’s Degree with 360 credits Similarly with a Professional Master’s Degree of 4 – 5 Years of study versus a Master’s Degree The HEQSF should only specify the minimum credits for a qualification and not the maximum

12 Perspectives of the Professional Bodies - Cooperation
HPCSA is mandated in terms of the HPCSA Act to advance & protect the determination of appropriate education & training requirements in the relevant profession, the assessment, registration & licencing of professions & the determination of appropriate standards for professional practice.

13 Perspectives of the Professional Bodies - Cooperation
The NQF Act requires a professional body to co-operate with the relevant Quality Council in respect of qualifications & quality assurance in its occupational fields

14 Perspectives of the Professional Bodies - Cooperation
Recognising the need to advance the objectives of the NQF Act & to promote a coherent & effective quality assurance system for education & training & further recognising the overlap of Quality Assurance activities between the Parties, the HPCSA would like to establish a working relationship & an agreed framework for co-operation

15 Perspectives of the Professional Bodies - Cooperation
The co-operation will further ensure proper regulation of higher education & training as required under the NQF Act

16 Conclusion Although the CHE has the authority to establish qualification standards for all higher education institutions, consultation with professional bodies is essential as the professional bodies are responsible for setting up requirements for professional registration The co-operation in the form of an MOU is advised .


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