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A New World Of Many Cultures

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1 A New World Of Many Cultures
By Jeshrine Mazhil

2 The Beginning First people to settle in North America came about 40,000 years ago. Came through Land Bridge Bering Strait: Connected Siberia and Alaska Native Pop: million people

3 Cultures of Central and South America
Mayans – Guatemala, Belize, & Southern Mexico Yucatan Peninsula Aztecs- Central Mexico Capital: Tenochtitlan Pop: 200,000 Incans- Peru

4 What Do They Have in Common?
Highly Organized Society Extensive trade Scientific discoveries: calendar Stable Food Supply Corn and potatoes Increased population

5 Cultures of North America
Smaller and less sophisticated Because corn spread slowly to this area Gender Roles Men: make tools and hunt Women: gather plants & nuts and grow crops

6 Cultures Language- More than 20 lang fams
More than 400 distinct languages

7 Settlements Southwest: Pueblos, Anazaki and Hokkokam
Farmed w/ irrigation systems Live in caves, cliffs, & multistoried buildings Northwest: Alaska to North California Live in permanent longhouses and planks Rich diet: hunt, fish, gather food Totem pole = history Isolation = development

8 Settlements Great Plains: Nomadic Hunters Who farmed and traded
Survived on hunting Lived in tepees Who farmed and traded Hunted buffalo Lived in Earthen lodges long rivers Would merge or split based on conditions

9 Settlements Midwest: East of Mississippi River
Hunted, fished and farmed Large earthen mounds = Adena-hopewell Northeast: New York (Iroquois Confederation Descendants of Adena-Hopewell Hunting and farming= exhausted soil Move around Lived in longhouses

10 Settlements Atlantic Seaboard: New Jersey to Florida
Descendants of Woodland Mound builders Built timber and bark lodging along rivers Rivers and Atlantic ocean = rich food source

11 Europeans Moves Toward Exploration
First Encounter with New World Scandinavian Vikings No lasting impact

12 Improvements of Tech Renaissance = outburst of artistic & science
Tech advanced Gunpowder usage Sailing compass Major improvements in shipbuilding and mapmaking Printing Press = v.imp Spread ideas and knowledge quicker.

13 Religious Conflict Intense religious zeal and conflict
Roman Catholic Church threatened by Ottoman Turks (Islam) Revolt against pope’s authority

14 Catholic Victory in Spain
Spain at first conquered by Moors (Islamic Invaders Spanish Christians conquered Spain and set up several Independent Kingdoms Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand united all the kingdoms

15 Protestant Revolt in Northern Europe
Revolts against Pope’s authority Led to Protestant Reformation Created series of religious wars Conflicts caused the religions to spread to as many places as possible Catholic Spain and Portugal Protestant England and Holland

16 Expanding Trade Overland route =
Long Slow Expensive Land route blocked by the Ottoman Turks Led to desire of finding a better route

17 New Routes Was used by Portuguese Sailing = new way to Asian Trade
2 Options South Along the West African Coast Across Atlantic Ocean Prince Henry sponsored these exploration done by Portugal Vasco Da Gama was the first to reach India by this route (Cape of Good Hope)

18 Slave Trading Portuguese traded for slaves in West Africa
Worked on sugar plantations on islands off the African coast Profitable

19 African Resistance Ran Away Sabotaged Work Revolted
Maintained aspects of Culture Music Religion Folkways

20 Developing Nation-States
Small Kingdoms uniting to form larger kingdoms The Monarchs depended on trade for revenue and church for right to rule Search for riches abroad Spread influence of their christianity

21 Early Explorations Changing political, economic, and social conditions in Europe Shaped ambitions of people

22 Christopher Columbus Claimed land for Spain Viewed as a Failure
Landed on Bahamas 1rst glory to Spain No gold = disappointment Viewed as a Failure Brought the permanent interaction b/w people from all over the globe. Changed the World Forever

23 Columbian Exchange Europe Africa New World Transferred Plants Animal
Europeans learned about beans, corns, sweet potatoes, tomatoes , tobacco Europe Africa New World Transferred Plants Animal Germs Tech Learned about sugar cane, bluegrasses, pigs, horses, wheel, iron implements, guns, and Disease (major killer)

24 Dividing the Americas Spain & Portugal = conflict of who gets what
Resolved by pope with Line of Demarcation Spain = West of line Portugal = East of line Treaty of Tordesillas Moved line few degrees west 1494

25 Spanish Conquest Conquistadores = Spain’s conquerors
Balboa = Isthmus of Panama -> Pacific Ocean Magellan = circumnavigate globe Cortes = conquered Aztecs Pizzaro = conquered Incans Shiploads of gold and silver Became rich and powerful

26 Systems of Spanish Empire
Encomienda System Give land and natives to individual Spaniards Natives farmed or worked in mines Spaniard take “care” of them Asiento System Native pop decreased More enslaved people from West Africa Payed taxes to king for each slave imported

27 The Claims English French Dutch Cabot = Coat of Newfoundland
Other issues preoccupied Monarchy Drake = attacked Spanish ships Raleigh = attempts settlement at Roanoke Island (1587) Verrazano = explored New York harbor (N. America’s Eastern coast. Cartier = St. Lawrence Valley Monarchy occupied with religious conflict Champlain = 1rst perm settlement in Quebec 1608 Jolliet and Marquette = upper Mississippi River Salle = Louisiana Henry Hudson = Hudson river = established claims for New Amsterdam ( New York) Looked for Westward pat the Asia through Northern America

28 Spanish Settlements Florida = St. Augustine (1565)
Oldest city in North America by Europeans New Mexico = Santa Fe Christianize American Indians Caused Pueblo Revolt Spanish were driven from the area until 1692

29 Spanish Settlements Texas
Resist French efforts in Mississippi River California = San Diego (1769) and San Francisco (1776) Response to Russian Exploration from Alaska

30 Spanish Policy Towards Natives
Incorporate as Laborers = die from force labor Intermarried with natives and Africans Class system= rigid = dom by pure-blooded Spaniards Bartolome de Las Casas Advocate for better treatment of Indians New Laws 1542= end encomienda system Late got repealed

31 Valladolid Debate Las Casas vs. de Sepulveda
Indians are humans (La Casas) Indians are less than humans (de Sepulveda)

32 English Policy Towards Natives
Low intermarriage Coexisted at first Conflict because of English viewed Natives as savage Indians felt threatened by the English taking more land Expelled Natives

33 French Policy Towards Natives
Natives economic and military allies Control Fur Trade = built port Exchanged beaver pelts for French goods Assisted Huron people to fight the Iroquois

34 Native American Reactions
No unification because saw themselves as distinct from each other Allied with one European power or gaining support to survive Migrated to new land No Return to Life Before 1492

35 Thank You

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