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Hinduism Buddhism Schools of Thought Rulers of China You Schould

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Presentation on theme: "Hinduism Buddhism Schools of Thought Rulers of China You Schould"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hinduism Buddhism Schools of Thought Rulers of China You Schould Know This 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 This is the unchanging, all-powerful spiritual force of the universe.

3 What is Brahman?

4 This is the essential self of a person, or soul.

5 What is atman?

6 This is union with brahman.

7 What is moksha?

8 A person can come closer to achieving moksha by obeying the law of this.

9 What is karma?

10 Many Hindu people try to follow the path of nonviolence known as this.
DAILY DOUBLE Many Hindu people try to follow the path of nonviolence known as this.

11 What is ahimsa?

12 Buddha is also known as this.

13 What is the Chosen One?

14 The only cure for suffering is to overcome this.

15 What is desire?

16 The only way to overcome desire is to follow this.

17 What is the Eightfold Path?

18 This is union with the universe and release from the cycle of rebirth.

19 What is nirvana?

20 Some followers collected his teachings into a sacred text called this.

21 What is the Tripitaka?

22 Students collected many of Confucius’ ideas and sayings in this.

23 What are the Analects?

24 Based on Confucius beliefs, the only relationship that was equal was this.

25 What is the friend to friend relationship?

26 This man believed that the nature of man was evil.

27 Who is Hanfeizi?

28 Laozi focused on rejecting conflict and strife and being one with nature, which became known as this belief system.

29 What is Daoism?

30 The Qin emperor kept order by applying this belief system to his empire.

31 What is Legalism?

32 DAILY DOUBLE This ruler abolished feudalism in China, forced peasants to pay high taxes, and standardized weights and measures.

33 Who is Shi Huangdi?

34 Shi Huangdi’s biggest and most expensive achievement was this.

35 What is the Great Wall?

36 This illiterate peasant leader defeated rival armies and founded the new Han dynasty.

37 Who is Liu Bang?

38 Contrary to the Qin dynasty, the Han dynasty focused more on this belief system.

39 What is the Confucian belief system?

40 This emperor opened up a trade route known as the Silk Road.

41 Who is Emperor Wudi?

42 The complete control of a product or business by one person or group is this.

43 What is a monopoly?

44 Han emperors adopted the idea that officials should be hired based on qualifications, not family background. So, they set up a system of these exams.

45 What are civil service exams?

46 This is known as the payment to the bridegroom.

47 What is dowry?

48 This type of Buddhism closely followed Buddhist beliefs.

49 What is Theravada Buddhism?

50 These are local military rulers.

51 Who are warlords?

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