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Additional Run Chart or SPC chart if needed

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1 Additional Run Chart or SPC chart if needed
Your Center Logo GLOBAL AIM: critical transitions of care for every newborn will meet the Institute of Medicine STEEEPS criteria: Safe, Timely, Efficient, Effective, Equitable, Patient and Family Centered1, and Socially Responsible Poster Title (this is different from the QI Headline below) (select) “In”, “Out”, “Other” Center name Authors including or other contact info for 1 author The headline is meant to be a catchy phrase or descriptor that brings people to your poster. Think of it as a newspaper headline in contrast to the more scientific title of you poster The “ask” box is your team’s way to call upon your peers to help you solve a challenge, get feedback on your project, or perhaps even suggest additional changes to test/ Rationale / Background (header 32 pt) Problem our team faced (bullet text 24 pt minimum) Data supporting ID of problem Additional Run Chart or SPC chart if needed (fonts minimum 24 pt) Your QI Headline (120 pt min.) Plain language take-away from project, translated into one sentence. Or, key words for problem & population & tests SMART Aim (header 32 pt) Surprises and Challenges (header 32 pt) Share insights your team gained that were not expected (bullet text 24 pt minimum) Share revelations about your culture Share what you learned about Family-Centered Care in your unit Share what you learned about Teamwork in your unit Share the challenges your team faced and how you addressed them. This is very helpful to your colleagues. Driver Diagram (header 32 pt) Insert graphic of your key driver diagram focused on your improvement project (bullet text 24 pt minimum) Run Chart or SPC chart (fonts minimum 24 pt) We Would Appreciate your Help With (header 32 pt) Describe an issue or challenge (bullet text 24 pt minimum) Leave space for colleagues to offer ideas Bring sticky notes for colleagues to attach their suggestions; attach a pen to encourage colleagues to contribute ideas; attach a pocket to collect idea notes and contact information from colleagues Run Chart or SPC chart (fonts minimum 24 pt) Current State (header 32 pt) To illustrate current state, insert a process map, fishbone diagram, RCA, cause-and-effect matrix, or other Tests of Change / Implementation (header 32 pt) Share tests of change based on the primary drivers: Communication, Teamwork, Family Integration, Standardization PDSA Cycle 1 (sub-head 28 pt) What we tested (bullet text 24 pt minimum) What we learned How that informed our next test PDSA Cycle 2 What we tested PDSA Cycle 3 Free-form Personalization Section Share photos of your team, your unit, other images of your improvement work (ensure you have permission to share) Have some fun here! Team Members and Acknowledgements (header 32 pt) (fonts minimum 24 pt) Measures Plan (header 32 pt) Include process, outcome, balancing, family integrated care, and value measures 1Institute of Medicine Committee on Quality of Health Care in America. (2001). Crossing the quality chasm: A new health system for the 21st century. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Note: VON added the 7th (socially responsible)

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