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Learning spellings through visualisation

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1 Learning spellings through visualisation
The power of the mind………!

2 Did you know…..? We can make pictures in our head to help us spell!
Close your eyes and listen Now – think about your bedroom. Imagine your bed – try to see the colours and feel your bed spread under your hands Walk around your room – what can you see out of the window? What toys can you see? Open your eyes!

3 You can use a tree to remember!

4 You can use your body to remember!

5 Memory castle!

6 Remember your bedroom…..?
Now walk around your room, putting each letter of ‘said’ on a wall or piece of furniture.

7 Now, close your eyes….. Walk to each wall/piece of furniture in your brain and see each letter of ‘said’ Now write ‘said’ in the air!

8 You can use this grid 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

9 Can you remember where they went?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

10 Now use that grid to remember beautiful
10 11 12

11 To recap: Use a familiar room to put the words/letters/spellings/times tables into in your head to store them Use part of your body to put the letters Use a memory tree to store things Use the grid to remember

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