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Enhancing Medical Education: Now and for the Future Medical Education & Research Committee Council of Osteopathic Student Government Presidents American.

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Presentation on theme: "Enhancing Medical Education: Now and for the Future Medical Education & Research Committee Council of Osteopathic Student Government Presidents American."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancing Medical Education: Now and for the Future Medical Education & Research Committee Council of Osteopathic Student Government Presidents American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine Annual Meeting, June 28, 2007

2 Council of Osteopathic Student Government Presidents Represent all osteopathic medical students Composed of representatives from all osteopathic medical colleges Five subset committees Several resolutions passed each year

3 Medical Education & Research Committee Composed of student leaders MSUCOM NYCOM NSUCOM PCOM UMDNJ-SOM Charged with completing research project to benefit medical education nationwide Disseminate information to appropriate parties

4 COSGP 2005-2006 Therefore be it RESOLVED A desire exists among osteopathic medical students to have more formal educational opportunities in: (1) Business of Medicine (2) Professional Education (3) Research

5 COSGP 2006-2007 Our Goal To identify all osteopathic medical students perceptions about existing education in (1) Business of Medicine (2) Professional Education (3) Research

6 Information Gathering Surveys Distributed to all Student Government Presidents Completed on behalf of student body Some Presidents consulted Deans for additional information

7 Does your school offer education in Business of Medicine in any form?

8 What Business of Medicine topics are covered?

9 How are these topics offered?

10 Does your school instruct on professional education in any form?

11 What topics are covered in professional education?

12 How are the topics delivered?

13 Does your school teach research in any form?

14 What research topics are taught at your school?

15 How are these topics delivered?

16 Results Students perceive a lack of official educational opportunities in (1) Business of Medicine (2) Professionalism (3) Research Data support 2005-2006 COSGP resolution

17 Recommendations Develop educational resources to cover needs along the educational continuum Learning modules for life-long learning Web-based Voluntary Available to students, interns, residents, attendings

18 A Place to Start Medical Education Training Tomorrows Teachers Today See One, Do One, Teach One

19 AACOM Mission To promote excellence in osteopathic medical education, in research and in service, and foster innovation and quality among osteopathic colleges to improve the health of the American public.

20 Important Roles Society of Osteopathic Medical Educators (SOME) Council on Information & Technology (CIT) Council of Osteopathic Librarians (COOL)

21 SOME Promote the continuous collaborative improvement of osteopathic medical education Provide osteopathic medical education programs along the full continuum of osteopathic medical education Provide expertise on osteopathic medical education & content development

22 CIT Provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and discussion of matters pertaining to the integration of information technology Plan, develop and disseminate information designed to enhance the integration of information technology Collaborate in obtaining resources to network medical education and research efforts related to information technology Provide expertise in the area of technical implementation and integration

23 COOL Collaborate with SOME & CIT in the development of web-based modules Disseminate information through existing library programs & resources

24 Existing Programs Costin Institute - CCOM Doctor of Health Education - KCOM Preparing Students As Teachers - NYIT/COM

25 Acknowledgements Linda Heun, PhD, Vice President for Medical Education, AACOM Paul Krueger, DO, Chair, SOME Steering Committee Jan Skica, MS, Chair, COOL Chellapa Kumar, PhD, Chair, CIT

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