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Charter Monitoring and Support

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1 Charter Monitoring and Support
Tina Hinson, EdD Program Administrator – East Charters (919) James J. Popp, EdS Program Administrator - West Charters (919) NC Department of Public Instruction Office of the Deputy State Superintendent of Innovation Federal Program Monitoring and Support Division


3 Western Charters James J. Popp (919) 807-3915
(Piedmont-Triad, Northwest, Southwest, Western) James J. Popp (919) Eastern Charters (Northeast, North Central, Sandhills, Southeast) Dr. Tina Hinson (919)

4 What is the focus of our Division’s work?

5 Program Monitoring Provide Grant Administration Data Collection and Reporting Facilitate the Necessary Technical Assistance Needed to Ensure not only Compliance, but Quality Programs for Students

6 Why do we monitor?

7 Building Relationships – we’re in this together
Technical Assistance – we’re here to help Compliance - It's the law

8 2019 - 2020 Consolidated Monitoring Schedule:

9 Organization and Record Keeping

10 New Monitoring Schedule:
Notification Letter – 30 calendar days prior to monitoring event Documents Submitted to PA – documentation due by 5:00pm the Friday prior to monitoring event week – must be in electronic format Monitoring Event: 1 day = receipt of all LEA / Charter documentation for review by PA (Friday) 2 days = document review (Tuesday & Wednesday) 1 day = onsite school visits, interviews, and closing meeting (Thursday) 2 days = report preparation (Friday & Monday) 3 days = draft report submitted to FPMS Supervisory Team to Chris, modification of report (if required), & final supervisory approval (Tuesday – Friday)

11 New Monitoring Schedule:
Final Report: final report issued to Superintendent & copied to the Federal Program Director within 7 business days of the close of the monitoring event Final Report Issued by Michael Wells / Chris Vecchione, copied to PA It is the LEA / Charter Federal Program Director’s responsibility to distribute to other applicable individuals and programs at the LEA / Charter level Disclaimer: While it is our intention to meet the 7 business day report goal, within the State Plan the timeline remains at 30 business days. The 7 business day goal is OUR intention to provide a more rapid turnaround time to our stakeholders in the LEAs and Charters. *This improved timeline is self-imposed LEAs & Charters still will still have 30 days to respond to “findings” within the formal written report

12 Monitoring Issues School-Parent Compacts
Consultation (PFE policy, SIPs, PACs, MEP, EL Standards/Program, etc.) NCLB Language School vs. District (PFE policy & PACs) PFE Activities/Events Supplement vs. Supplant (Title I, EL and MEP) Agendas/Minutes/Sign-in Sheets Interviews

13 Tips for Title I Directors
Title I website: Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP):


A User Access Administrator (UAA) account must be established to allow local staff to enter plan components and the funding application on North Carolina’s web-based system, the Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plan (CCIP). To establish a UAA account, Anita Harris at and provide the following information: * First and Last Name * NCID User Name (not password) * Phone number (format nnn-nnn-nnnn) * Extension (if any) * Organization * address

16 Role Name Description User Access Administrator Allows the user to create, update, and delete users/roles for an organization. This role does not give the user any access to edit the Funding Application or Planning Tool. Data View Allows the user to view unapproved Funding Applications for an organization. This would be an appropriate role for the Homeless Liaison. “Look, but don’t touch” Data Entry Allows the user to edit the Funding Application for an organization. Planning Tool Data Entry Allows the user to edit the Active Plan for an organization. Fiscal Representative Allows the user to mark an application Fiscal Representative Approved and inherits all permissions from the Data Entry role. Chief Administrator Allows the user to mark an application Chief Administrator Approved and inherits all permissions from the Data Entry role. Only role that can copy a Plan forward.

17 Title I Plans must be developed in consultation with stakeholders
* Title I Plans must be developed in consultation with stakeholders. * The plan created from stakeholder consultation must be placed in the CCIP system.

18 The following outlines the sequence of steps to submit your consolidated application through CCIP:
1. Submit Eligible Schools Summary Report (ESSR) - PowerSchool: data in Power School (May) 2. Enter required narratives in the Title I Planning Tool application in CCIP: * Comprehensive Needs Assessment * Goals and Plan Relationships 3. Submit Title I budget to NCDPI Federal Programs Monitoring and Support. The submitted budget will populate the Budget Details page in CCIP. School allocations must reflect school location codes in district budget.

19 CCIP Steps Cont. 4. Enter required information in the Title I Funding Application in CCIP. 5. Ensure that all program areas in which an allotment was received have a complete funding application in CCIP. 6. Submit the application through the appropriate approvals: Draft Completed Fiscal Representative Approved Chief Administrator Approved

20 Things to remember about BAAS/CCIP:
The “Plan” in CCIP is typically due by June 30, which means the Budget must first be in BAAS to transfer Keep in mind Budgets / Plans are reviewed in the order they are received… Your budget SHOULD match your Plan Amendments – “comments” will expedite process Consultation MUST have occured PRIOR to submission (Private School & Tribal – if applicable) The difference between “Planning” v. “Actual” allotments

21 Supplement, Not Supplant
NOTE: When Hiring Teachers Teacher Ratio: Our policy is that Charters are supposed to establish a teacher ratio within their approved charter.  If a charter does not establish a teacher ratio, we hold the charter to the state standards in regard to supplemental – which means the charter will have to comply with House Bill 13 before using federal funds (supplement, not supplant).  

Title I, Part A – PRC 050 (Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged) IMPROVING THE ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF THE DISADVANTAGED Provides financial assistance through State educational agencies (SEAs) to local educational agencies (LEAs) and public schools with high numbers or percentages of low income children to help ensure that all children meet challenging State academic content and student academic achievement standards. School-Wide = 40% or greater Targeted Assistance School – Under 40% - school identifies students who are failing, or most at risk of failing

23 Title II, Part A – PRC 103 (Preparing, Training, and Recruiting High Quality Teachers, Principals, and Other School Leaders) Provide students from low-income families and minority students with greater access to effective educators. To develop, implement, and evaluate comprehensive programs and activities to address the learning needs of all students, including children with disabilities, English learners, and gifted and talented students through effective instruction.

24 Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1 – PRC 108 (Student Support and Academic Enrichment)
The purpose (Sec. 4101) of this subpart (1) is to improve the students’ academic achievement by increasing the capacity of states, local educational agencies, schools, and local communities to – Activities to “support well-rounded educational opportunities”; Activities to “support safe and healthy students”; and Activities to “support the effective use of technology”.

25 3-Prong Test

26 Chart of Accounts Purpose Codes
The reason for which something exists or is used. Purpose includes the activities or actions that are performed to accomplish the objectives of a local school administrative unit. For budgeting and accounting purposes, expenditures of a local school administrative unit are classified into five purposes as follows: 5000 Instructional Services 6000 System-Wide Support Services

27 Chart of Accounts Object Codes
Object means the service or commodity obtained as a result of a specific expenditure. Seven major object categories are used in our Chart of Accounts. 100 Salaries 200 Employer Provided Benefits 300 Purchased Services 400 Supplies and Materials 500 Capital Outlay 600 Reserved for Future Use 700 Transfers These broad categories are subdivided to obtain more detailed information about objects of expenditures. (Category numbers are not valid account codes, example 100, 200 etc.).

28 Questions or Feedback:
Tina Hinson, EdD Program Administrator – East Charters (919) James J. Popp, EdS Program Administrator - West Charters (919)

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