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BUSINESS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT ChairpersonMrs. M. F. Parris Room 231 301-808-8880 Ext. 1300.

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Presentation on theme: "BUSINESS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT ChairpersonMrs. M. F. Parris Room 231 301-808-8880 Ext. 1300."— Presentation transcript:

1 BUSINESS EDUCATION DEPARTMENT ChairpersonMrs. M. F. Parris Room 231 301-808-8880 Ext. 1300

2 Staff & Contact Information Bailey, Dean, Mc Millan, Parris, Marlene F. Chair/AOF Coordinator

3 THE MISSION This department plays a vital part in the academic preparation of students for college and the world of work through the use of technology and classroom enrichment activities. The primary mission of the Business Education Department is to prepare students to function in todays highly computerized society and to be a success in the future.

4 EDUCATIONAL LINKS: PGCPS Web Page for Students Surfing the Net in Business Education National Business Education Association Tanya Skinner's Business Ed. Resources Business & Computer Science Online Resources Business & Computer Science Online Resources Success Link Maryland Business Roundtable Education

5 Departmental Grading Policy Class Work 60% Preparation for Class Daily Work Habits Attendance Time on Task Warm-Up Activities Class Participation Critical Thinking Activities Decision Making Activities Technical Proficiency Interpersonal Skills Team Player, Etc. Assessment 30% Projects Portfolio/Resume` Written Reports Pre-Post Test Mid-Term Finals Homework 10% Written Assignments Gen. Business Knowledge Gen. Math Skills Assignment, Etc.

6 14 Electives Offered: Accounting I & II w/Computer Applications Banking & Credit CCECooperative Career Education College Accounting Computer Software Applications-MS Office Economics and World Finance

7 Electives (contd) Financial Management Using Software Applications Financial Planning International Finance Office Technology Principles of Business, Administration & Management Word/Information Processing Securities Operations & Insurance

8 Special Programs Academy of Finance Be a Hillman Entrepreneur CCECooperative Career Education

9 National Academy Foundation Partnerships for Americas Youth Umbrella organization for: Academy of Finance Academy of Hospitality and Tourism Academy of Information Technology The National Academy Foundation sustains a national network of career academiesFinance, Hospitality and Tourism, and Information Technology-- to support the development of Americas youth toward personal and professional successin high school, higher education, and throughout their careers

10 What is the Academy of Finance (AOF)? It is a Tech Prep accredited high school program that prepares students for careers in the financial service industry through coursework and work experience A partnership between Prince Georges Community College and University of Maryland College Park, local businesses, and service organizations A member of the NAF, a non-profit organization founded by American Express, Citigroup, and Business Educators

11 AOF-Program Requirements Application Process Minimum 2.5 GPA Completed application 2 Teacher Recommendations Participation in an Interview Sponsor: Mrs. B. Shockley Coordinator: Mrs. M. F. Parris Course of Study 10th Grade Computer Software Applications Banking and Credit 11th Grade Economics and the World of Finance Securities Operations College Accounting Summer Internship 12th Grade Financial Planning International Finance Management 101dual enrolment at PGCC

12 Rewards--Academy of Finance at Largo Special Graduation, 9 College Credits, and Certificate for successful completion of a sequence of classes within the Academy 6-8 week paid summer internship in the field of finance/accounting Guest speakers from the financial industry Community Service activities Stock Market SimulationsLargo High School won 2 nd Place in the MD/DC 2005/06 Spring Competition Field trips to financial districts in Washington, DC; Philadelphia, PA; Annapolis, MD & New York City, NY Membership--Future Business Leaders of America

13 AOF Class Officers YOP 2009-10 Senior Class:-- President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer & Co-Treasurer: Reporter: Photographer: Sergeant at Arms: Junior Class: President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: Photographer: Sergeant at Arms:

14 Be a Hillman Entrepreneur What is The Hillman Entrepreneurs Program? A program that encourages students in any major who are aspiring to start or run a business to apply and qualify for scholarship at PGCC and University of Maryland, College Park. Each student receives a scholarship, mentoring, and summer job placement. Largo is currently partnering with PGCC and UMCP to provide an advantage for successful transfer (2 + 2+ 2 or 2 + 4 program) For more information visit TransferAdvantage.asp TransferAdvantage.asp

15 Cooperative Career Education (CCE) A school-to-careers program of study designed to assist students in making a smooth transition into the world of work. Since employable traits are nurtured and refined in the classroom, it is imperative that students demonstrate a degree of achievement high enough to render him/her employable in a very competitive market. School- based instruction includes a wide range of employability skills training which prepares students for on-the-job work experience with private industry and governmental agencies. Students participating in this program will earn 1 credit plus 2-3 work credits Cooperative Education meets the Maryland State Department of Education, Division of Career and Technology Education criteria for Occupational Program Completer status and can be completed in the 12th grade (Prerequisite: Teacher Approval)

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