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Kestrels Autumn 2017 Literacy Story writing creating atmosphere

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1 Kestrels Autumn 2017 Literacy Story writing creating atmosphere
To explore how tension is created in storytelling To develop drama skills To create a story using adjectives. We Are Learning To: Create tension in storytelling Explore characters through various drama techniques Understand how to create a story using a haunted house setting as the stimulus. Activities you can do: Visit an old house/mansion. Read thriller stories that are age appropriate. Discuss ideas and create your own thriller story. Numeracy Weights and measure We Are Learning To: Estimate and measure length, distance and weight. Understand how to work out percentages Understand how percentages are used in shops, food etc. Activities you can do: Estimate and measure objects in the home Bake a cake estimating the ingredients. Using money work out the percent of money that you spend in a month. PSHE Emotional wellbeing We Are Learning To: Understand what food is healthy/unhealthy. Explore foods that are high in sugar. Understand how food colouring can impact our behaviours. Understand about the food we eat and what is healthy. Activities you can do: Discuss about the foods we eat and what is healthy/unhealthy. Create a food diary over a week. Create a healthy meal using fresh ingredients. Science Forces and magnets We Are Learning To: Understand what is a force (push and pull). Explore how different objects and materials show differing forces . Understand how magnets attract and repel. Activities you can do: Experiment different surfaces with different objects around the home looking at the forces Look at what objects are magnetic in the home. Create shapes using iron filings. Creative Curriculum Egypt We Are Learning To: Understand how the Egyptians lived. Explore different historical events and places in Egypt. Identify how people were mummified Activities you can do: Build a Lego pyramid. Wrap someone in bandages or toilet to create a mummy. Visit a museum that has Egyptian artefacts e.g. Bolton museum. Design Technology Design and create a light up Keyring We Are Learning To: Create a design brief for a keyring . Identify what materials are needed and will be used. Use a design brief and template to create a final product Activities you can do: Use the internet to look at key ring designs. Explore using different materials to make their own keyring at home. Whilst out shopping etc look at different keyring designs and materials used.

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