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@2019 Magazine 360°. All rights reserved.

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1 @2019 Magazine 360°. All rights reserved.
July 360° Last updated: 01/04/2019 Print Metrics (rolling 12 months) Social Platforms (monthly) Total Readership 99,000 Facebook Reach (NZ Only) 21,520 -801 FROM LAST MONTH Total Circulation 10,339 Instagram Followers 27,222 1,752 FROM LAST MONTH Print ,000 Twitter Followers 1,908 -2 FROM LAST MONTH Digital Metrics (monthly) 151,597 Newsletter Reach 849 61 FROM LAST MONTH Brand Extensions (rolling 12 months) One Shots 202 Events 896 Print Metrics Digital Metrics Brand Extensions Social Platforms Data Sources: Nielsen CMI, Audit Bureau Circulation, Google Analytics, social media platform data and publisher's own data. Digital and Social metrics may be used for multiple titles in their individual brand 360°s but will only be used once when calculating the Total 360°. Please refer to the treatment of digital hubs in the metrics. @2019 Magazine 360°. All rights reserved.

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