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EMODnet Bathymetry SBD Day, Herrsching Schmitt Thierry (SHOM)

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Presentation on theme: "EMODnet Bathymetry SBD Day, Herrsching Schmitt Thierry (SHOM)"— Presentation transcript:

1 EMODnet Bathymetry SBD Day, Herrsching Schmitt Thierry (SHOM)
Knut Hartmann (EOMAP) Benoit Loubrieu (Ifremer) Vivi Drakopoulou (HCMR) Sandra Aguilar, Martin Verlan (Deltares) Dick Schaap (MARIS) All the EMODnet HRSM consortium

2 A brief history of bathymetric DEM
Introduction Generating EMODnet bathymetry Need for SDB Producing SDB Integration of the SDB Future work A brief history of bathymetric DEM Gebco 2008 – EMODNET 2014 8/31/2019

3 Generating EMODnet bathymetry
Introduction Generating EMODnet bathymetry Need for SDB Producing SDB Integration of the SDB Future work 2008 2016 8/31/2019 Sources identification

4 EMODnet Bathymetry Consortium
Introduction Generating EMODnet bathymetry Need for SDB Producing SDB Integration of the SDB Future work EMODnet Bathymetry Consortium 8/31/2019

5 Summary: Global workflow
Introduction Generating EMODnet bathymetry Need for SDB Producing SDB Integration of the SDB Future work Summary: Global workflow Mesh size in fraction of minute of arc Corresponding value in meter 1 1852,00 4 463,00 16 115,75 64 28,94 256 7,23 1024 1,81 4096 0,45

6 Generating EMODnet bathymetry
Introduction Generating EMODnet bathymetry Need for SDB Producing SDB Integration of the SDB Future work 8/31/2019

7 Limitations in the coastal areas
Introduction Generating EMODnet bathymetry Need for SDB Producing SDB Integration of the SDB Future work Limitations in the coastal areas From Eakins et al. [2014] Modified after Cowell and Thom [1997].

8 Generating EMODnet bathymetry
Introduction Generating EMODnet bathymetry Need for SDB Producing SDB Integration of the SDB Future work SDB data provided to EMODnet Bathymetry by EOMAP Spain Mediterranean Coast Aegean Sea and Peloponnes Lybia, Tobruk area

9 Metadata Catalogue 8/31/2019

10 Spain Mediterranen Coast
Introduction Generating EMODnet bathymetry Need for SDB Producing SDB Integration of the SDB Future work Spain Mediterranen Coast 8 CPRD dataset for Spain Med. coast, including Ceuta and Melilla Average bathymetric data coverage down to 15m

11 Aegean Sea and Peloponnes
Introduction Generating EMODnet bathymetry Need for SDB Producing SDB Integration of the SDB Future work Aegean Sea and Peloponnes 9 CPRD dataset for Greece Agean Sea and Peloponnes. Average bathymetric data coverage down to 18m

12 Aegean Sea and Peloponnes
Introduction Generating EMODnet bathymetry Need for SDB Producing SDB Integration of the SDB Future work Aegean Sea and Peloponnes 1 CPRD dataset for Lybia, Tobruk area. Average bathymetric data coverage down to 20m

13 Western Mediterrannean
Introduction Generating EMODnet bathymetry Need for SDB Producing SDB Integration of the SDB Future work Western Mediterrannean Scatterplot of Satellite Derived Bathymetry vs. approx. 4 million acoustic survey point datasets and 0.4 million charting points for the Spanish Mediterranean coastline, showing a coherent fit with vertical uncertainties better than ZOC category C (2 + 5%waterdepth). 8/31/2019

14 Balearics Satellite Derived Batyhmetry High res. MBES Introduction
Generating EMODnet bathymetry Need for SDB Producing SDB Integration of the SDB Future work Balearics Satellite Derived Batyhmetry High res. MBES This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No

15 Generating EMODnet bathymetry
Introduction Generating EMODnet bathymetry Need for SDB Producing SDB Integration of the SDB Future work Med east 8/31/2019

16 Generating EMODnet bathymetry
Introduction Generating EMODnet bathymetry Need for SDB Producing SDB Integration of the SDB Future work Island of Crete Satellite Derived Bathymetric Grid, Iraklion area, SDB (2018) EMODnet 1/8 (2016)

17 Generating EMODnet bathymetry
Introduction Generating EMODnet bathymetry Need for SDB Producing SDB Integration of the SDB Future work Channel Islands 8/31/2019

18 Coastline estimation 8/31/2019 Satellite water occurrence detection
Introduction Generating EMODnet bathymetry Need for SDB Producing SDB Integration of the SDB Future work Coastline estimation Satellite water occurrence detection 10% dry 90% dry 90% sea level High waterline MSL 10% sea level Low waterline Tidal information from Numerical Model High-res bathymetry 8/31/2019

19 Generating EMODnet bathymetry
Introduction Generating EMODnet bathymetry Need for SDB Producing SDB Integration of the SDB Future work 3. Relate satellite passage to water level 1. Gather satellite data 2. Detect Water bodies 4. Extrapolate water bodies limits to defined tidal levels 8/31/2019

20 DTM confidence estimation
Introduction Generating EMODnet bathymetry Need for SDB Producing SDB Integration of the SDB Future work DTM confidence estimation 8/31/2019

21 Generating EMODnet bathymetry
Introduction Generating EMODnet bathymetry Need for SDB Producing SDB Integration of the SDB Future work

22 Visit us:

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