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Brandy Maurer Fact and Fantasy By: Brandy Maurer.

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Presentation on theme: "Brandy Maurer Fact and Fantasy By: Brandy Maurer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brandy Maurer Fact and Fantasy By: Brandy Maurer

2 Fact Things that are real Things that could really happen

3 Fact Dogs have four legs A person can drive a car

4 Fantasy Things that are make- believe
Things that could not really happen

5 Fantasy A fish has wings A frog can take a bath

6 Now you try!

7 A person can drive a car Is it fact or fantasy?

8 Fact

9 A tree can talk Fact or fantasy?

10 Fantasy

11 Cookies can walk and play
Fact or fantasy?

12 Fantasy

13 Plants can grow outside
Fact or fantasy?

14 Fact

15 Great job, you are a fact and fantasy champ!

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