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By: Stephen Robertson Supervisor: Phil Sterne

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1 By: Stephen Robertson Supervisor: Phil Sterne
Using Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning to Solve a Problem with Multiple Conflicting Sub-problems By: Stephen Robertson Supervisor: Phil Sterne

2 Presentation Outline Project Motivation Project Aim Progress so far
The Gridworld Problem Flat Reinforcement Learning Implementation Results Still to do

3 Project Motivation Reinforcement Learning is an attractive form of machine learning, but because of the curse of dimensionality, with complex problems it becomes inefficient Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning is a method for dealing with this curse of dimensionality

4 Project Aim Implementing various algorithms of Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning to a complex gridworld problem Comparing the various algorithms to each other and to flat Reinforcement Learning

5 Progress Gridworld Implemented in Java
Flat Reinforcement Learning Implemented on a 6x6 gridworld in Java Feudal Reinforcement Learning in the process of being implemented

6 Rules of the gridworld Possible Actions: Left, Right, Up, Down and Rest Collecting food and drink increases nourishment and hydration Landing on the tree, the explorer is now carrying wood with which it can repair its shelter

7 Rules of the gridworld Resting in a repaired shelter increases health
Landing on the lion decreases health With time, nourishment, hydration, health and shelter condition all gradually decrease

8 Flat Reinforcement learning
SARSA with eligibility traces was used To get Flat Reinforcement Learning working at all I needed to simplify the task a bit 6x6 gridworld Nourishment, Hydration, Health and Shelter Condition minimised to 4 discrete levels each Total states: 6 x 6 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 2 = 18432 Managable

9 Results

10 Still to do Finish implementing Feudal Reinforcement Learning
Implement Phil’s interpretation of Feudal Reinforcement Learning Implement MaxQ hierarchical reinforcement learning And perhaps others… Compare them

11 Questions ?

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