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Key Dates – Group Work Items Date

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1 Key Dates – Group Work Items Date
Deadline for group formation Feb. 5 Deadline for securing organization/platform Feb. 12 Deliverable 1 – group work March 12 Presentation of del. 1 in class* March 13 Feedback per group March 19 Deliverable 2 – group work April 8 Presentation of del. 2 in class* April 9 Deliverable 3 – individual assignment May 22 All students must participate in a project assignment There will be 2 group deliverables and 1 individual assignment. *Each group member has to present at least once. You can decide how to distribute it.

2 Group formation Responsible for making your own groups
Everyone has to participate in a group Groups of minimum 3, maximum 4 Deadline for finalizing groups – Feb. 5th Send of group members to Deadline for finding organization/platform – Feb. 12th Send info on to this is a group assignment Each group doing one case

3 Deliverable 3 Individual assignment Graded (A-F)
Counts 40% of total grade Must pass to take oral exam and pass course Content to be announced, but Will be related to group deliverables This means that if you work well with the group assignments, it will be easier for you on the individual one Maximum 2000 words Submission by before midnight (May 22) What do we gain by this taxonomy? What are the risks of this taxonomy?

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