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Commandments of Men Roman Catholicism and the Church of Rome.

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1 Commandments of Men Roman Catholicism and the Church of Rome

2 Roman Catholics “Catholic” means universal. Catholics believe that their church is the only true one. The Catholic church has over 1 billion members all over the world. Catholicism is the major religion in Central and South America The Pope is considered one of the most powerful people in the world.

3 Roman Catholics What do Catholics believe?
They believe in God: The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They believe that Jesus died for our sins. Is Catholicism really the same as Christianity? The basics are the same, but there Are big differences in a lot of the details.

4 Roman Catholics The Catholic Pope:
- Believed to be the representative of God and the most powerful man on Earth. - Catholics believe that the Pope can speak with the same authority as God in certain situations - The Pope holds absolute authority over all believers.

5 Roman Catholics Purgatory: a place where “OK” people go
- Place where souls are cleaned by suffering. People stay for a short or long time, depending on how good they were. - Living relatives can get someone out faster if they do certain things like pay indulgences. - An indulgence is a money payment for a prayer that will shorten the sentence of a person in purgatory.

6 Roman Catholics Other teachings that are not found in the Bible:
- Jesus is crucified every time Catholics hold a church service. - Sins have to be forgiven by a priest. - The church was built on Peter, who was the head of the church. The Pope is the head of the church.

7 Local Differences in Catholic sub-denominations
Even though all Catholics are technically under the authority of the Pope, different regions of the world have different versions of Catholicism. Some are very close to the Bible, others are very far. Some countries have very strict versions of catholisicm. Other countries have very liberal versions

8 The Reformation In 1517, Martin Luther (and a few other Christian thinkers) began a revolution to change the corrupt Catholic Church. Instead of changing it, they got kicked out and the Protestant church was born. Sadly, many Protestant denominations started to experience corruption very quickly and some modern churches have become completely godless.

9 How should we treat Catholics (and those of other denominations)?
Roman Catholics How should we treat Catholics (and those of other denominations)? We need to show love for all people, especially our brothers and sisters in Christ. So don’t beat people up because they believe something different, but don’t be afraid to challenge their beliefs. To have a powerful testimony, you have to walk with God and have a living relationship with Him

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