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Powercor & Industry Forum Audit Results & Trends

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1 Powercor & Industry Forum Audit Results & Trends

2 Audit Volumes 256 audits completed of which 50 were re-audits
Additional resources were acquired to meet the industry demand Volume of audits in Q4 did not meet forecast demand Re-audit volumes are reducing due to changes in auditing practices Increase in non-compliances – both severity and volume

3 Turnaround Times Additional auditor resources commenced in April 2018 which assisted the reduction in turnaround times Q4 – All auditors were available and additional resources deployed to assist with the forecasted peak 2019 volumes of audits remain low hence quicker turnaround times

4 Trends As-Built detailing continues to be an issue – predominantly cable detailing inaccuracies Service Pits installed too low or not to standard Marker tape misalignment or not installed Against Audit Policy = Work not compliant to scope

5 2019 YTD Trends

6 Appendices Public Lighting Extension Request

7 2018 Trends

8 4. 0 – Review and improve audit services (Status update @ 01. 06
4.0 – Review and improve audit services (Status ) Lead: Jan Needham Context: Review and improve audit processes and practices such that they are fair, efficient, transparent, predictable and protected from inappropriate influence. Consider appropriate pricing of audit services Proposed approach Outcomes Actions Taken We will seek to: Provide tools and advice to educate developers regarding what’s required to achieve a successful audit outcome Standardise lead in / request times for audit and re-audit Publish audit performance via the corporate website and discuss with customer consultative panel Seek ideas from developers on how to assure successful audit outcomes on first inspection Simplify audit requirements, wherever possible, without compromising safety, reliability, cost effectiveness of customer outcomes Develop an on-line booking/scheduling system that defines requirements Audit practices have been reviewed and simplified Audits are being completed within specified timeframe and failed audits continue without invoking the Walk Away Policy All Above Ground inspections are undertaken on the first audit Re-audits occur when additional excavations or further information is required On medium to large scale audits, two auditors will visit site which enables flexibility on re-audits Engagement with IT has occurred with additional enhancements being identified for performance reporting including developing a digital tool for scheduling. Currently being progressed through Gate A Turnaround times have improved from a 10 – 8 day target to days 1 Establish and publish an audit performance report on a quarterly basis 2 Take steps to uplift customer understanding of audit practises; purpose, method and timing expectations; seek to standardise audit and re-audit lead in times 3 Review and refresh processes regarding audit requirements and proactively communicate, with examples customer obligations when applying for audit; what is expected for a successful audit outcome 4 Develop a digital tool assisting customers to check that they are ready to request audit; including an on-line booking system Key Resources Name Position Role Jan Needham Field Audit & Quality Manager Lead Stephen Dimech Field Practices Team Leader Team Member Tennille Pownceby Quality Assurance Officer Team Member

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