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Update EAZA Education Committee Lissabon, April 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Update EAZA Education Committee Lissabon, April 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update EAZA Education Committee Lissabon, April 2008

2 1.Most important actions 2.New structure/ communication process 3.Organogram

3 1. Most important actions Appointment of EAZA Executive Office staffmember as education liaison; Set up communication working group (Morten Smetana and Peter Haase) to improve communication EAZA Education Committee and stimulate actions; Update education section EAZA Accreditation Questionnaire; Update education section EAZA Screening Team Questionnaire; Update EAZA Education Standards (2001); Set up of a new structure of working groups.

4 2. New structure/communication process The EAZA Education Committee and education within EAZA needs to become much more visible. To improve visibility and communication, the following things have been and will be done:

5 Draft of new structure: January 2008 Working groups: Evaluation & visitor studies working group Main task: To evaluate educational practices Educational training working group Main task: To set up an education programme for training/courses (e.g. for the EAZA Academy) Conservation working group Main task: To strongly promote (and support) zoo and aquarium conservation education Environment working group Main task: To initiate (and support) zoo and aquarium education on climate change and other environmental issues, as well as sustainability

6 Taskforces: Sustainability taskforce Main task: To strongly promote (and support) zoo and aquarium education on sustainability Climate change taskforce Main task: To strongly promote (and support) zoo and aquarium education on climate change Advisory groups: Advisory group on exhibit design Main task: To provide input on exhibit design, e.g. via husbandry guidelines Advisory group on Regional Collection Planning Main task: To provide advice in Regional Collection Planning Advisory group on EZE and EAZA Conferences Main task: To provide support to conferences

7 This new structure has to grow and experimenting may be necessary

8 January – April 2008 Recruitment of members for working groups July 2008 New working group members have reviewed the initially set up working group tasks (were they sufficient?) All working groups have set up an action plan, thereby considering the Committee Action Plan September 2008 All working group members will meet during the EAZA Annual Conference so the Education Committee can come up with a final Working Group Structure Time Schedule:

9 Transform the EAZA Education Committee into a policy making steering group; Synchronise with IZE and link with other committees and organisations; Provide (more) input in discussions within EEPs and TAGs (e.g. with regard to RCPs); Further incorporating climate change and sustainability in educational programmes; Focus on conservation psychology; Stimulate visitor studies and determine evaluation measures; Co-organize the EZE Conference in 2009; Organising more education seminars/training. Future

10 3. Organogram Education Committee Communication working group (chair, office liaison, two committee members) Working groups and advisory groups Task forces

11 Thank you

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