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Introduction to Mapping Lecture 3

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1 Introduction to Mapping Lecture 3
Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

2 Cartography As a definition—Cartography is the art and science of making maps. It is the art and science of map production. It applies the fundamental scientific procedures of accurate measurement, classification, and the identification of relationships, to create visual models of our complex world. As a abstraction—There is a real world: big, replete, unorganized. A map is a representation of the real world that follows certain methodologies of abstraction and construction. Abstracted phenomena are generally represented by graphics symbols. They can also be represented by data structures. The map is constructed as a compressed, flattened, representation of the world and its infinite attributes (phenomena). Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

3 Cartographic Elements
Medium Figure Ground Reference information Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

4 Cartographic Elements (2)
Border Neat-line Insets Scale up Scale down Metadata e.g. index Off-map references Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

5 Cartographic Elements (3)
Page coordinates Ground elements Graticule/Grid North arrow Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

6 Cartographic Elements (4)
Figure Point/Line/Area symbols Text Place Names Title Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

7 Cartographic Elements (5)
Reference Information Scale Projection(s) Sources (2) Credits Legend Reliability Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

8 The Parts of a Map: Map Elements
Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

9 Why Use a Map? What is a Map?
Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

10 What is a Map? A map is an inventory, a repository of spatial facts and arrangements (database) A map is manifestation of pre-existing social cultural arrangements that communicate meaning A map is an aid to thinking that is not an arms-length communication A map is an "inscription," making the world portable. You can move the world around and see all or portions of it a one time. Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

11 Early Maps Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

12 Reference maps—General purpose documents that serve as base maps, record phenomena with an emphasis on geometric properties–such as distance, direction, area or aerial extent Thematic maps—Special purpose documents emphasizing on single "theme" in relation to geometric properties–such as distance, direction, area or aerial extent Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

13 Thematic Map Shows information about one topic
Map Types Thematic Map Shows information about one topic Information is laid on a base map The base map given thematic information a spatial context Information is placed on the map using a scheme for symbolization Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

14 Planimetric Maps: Perpendicular to surface of earth
Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

15 Base maps Underlying geography for creating thematic maps
Outline maps are a type of base map Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

16 Used for property and tax management
Cadastral maps Used for property and tax management Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

17 Shows utility or infrastructure connections
Line-route maps Shows utility or infrastructure connections Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

18 Topographic Maps shape and elevation of terrain
Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

19 Bathymetric map level of water body depth
Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

20 Engineering maps Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

21 Flood-prone maps Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

22 Landscape map ecological land types
Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

23 Shaded Relief Colors represent elevation above sea level
low high medium very high Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

24 Proportionate Symbol Greenhouse Gas Emissions Per Capita
Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

25 Dot Density

26 Isoline lines join equal values
Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

27 Flow maps show movement
Secondary cocaine and crack drug flow Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

28 Cartograms change a spatial variable to represent the theme of interest
Size of state adjusted for number of Voters in each state State Votes for Bush and Kerry Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

29 What is remote sensing? Collection of data about some property of an object... Using a recording device NOT in physical contact with the object. Aerial Photography Satellite Imagery Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

30 Satellite Images Weather satellite image: Winter in North America.
Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

31 Aerial Photography Dr. Abdelrahman Abueladas Digital Mapping Lecture 2

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