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Photo: Farmers in Malawi who have increased their income by adopting organic production methods with support and advice from Progressio development workers.

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Presentation on theme: "Photo: Farmers in Malawi who have increased their income by adopting organic production methods with support and advice from Progressio development workers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photo: Farmers in Malawi who have increased their income by adopting organic production methods with support and advice from Progressio development workers.

2 Photo: A woman campaigning during elections in Somaliland in 2010
Photo: A woman campaigning during elections in Somaliland in Progressio supports free and fair elections in Somaliland and our development workers help empower civil society organisations, and marginalised groups like women and youth, to have a say in the country’s future.


4 Photo: Bringing in the day’s catch in Timor-Leste, where Progressio projects help people and communities build sustainable livelihoods. Join us at Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter [use Progressio, Facebook, Twitter logos]

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