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Chapter Eleven.

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1 Chapter Eleven

2 1. Who had trouble believing that Jesus had been raised from the dead?

3 2. Who did Jesus promise to send to the Apostles?
The Holy Spirit

4 3. Who replaced Judas? Matthias

5 4. What came to rest on each of the Apostles?
Tongues of fire

6 5. What was different about the way the Apostles spoke?
Different languages

7 6. What transformed Peter from a fisherman into a powerful leader?
Holy Spirit

8 7. True or False: Paul was Jesus’ disciple when Jesus was alive on Earth.

9 8. Who did Paul meet on the road to Damascus?
Risen Christ

10 9. What did Paul become? A… Missionary, Christian

11 10. What does a missionary tell people about?
The Good News

12 11. What did Roman emperors fear?
Good News, Christian Church

13 This 12. What is the name for people who are killed because of their faith in Jesus? martyrs

14 13. This group of people formed the foundation of the Church.

15 14. This term means that the bishops have directly followed the Apostles in having Jesus’ authority to lead the Church. Apostolic Succession

16 15. Who is first among all the bishops?
The pope

17 16. This word refers to people who testify to their belief in Jesus.

18 17. These people were heroes of our faith because they were faithful and loyal to Jesus.
Martyrs, saints

19 18. Name one thing we are more likely to do when our faith is being tested.
Steal, cheat, be lazy, betray Jesus

20 19. Who is our most loyal friend in the world?

21 20. What should we make a habit of doing every day?
Praying, reading the Bible

22 21. Who did St. Timothy travel with?
St. Paul

23 22. Where in the Bible do we read about St. Timothy’s story?
Book of Acts

24 23. Where was St. Timothy a bishop?

25 24. Where did St. Timothy travel?
Asia Minor, Greece

26 25. What was St. Timothy trying to do that led to his death?
Stop people from worshipping idols

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